Health & Well-being Centre Location: Ruff Lane (back of University) Team offers nursing and counselling support for all students Opening hours: 8.30 am – 5.00 pm term time Appointments: Doctors from The Elms practice based in Centre Appointment at The Elms
West Lancashire Health Clinic Drop-in: health information & advice treatment for minor injuries and ailments including: fractures (broken bones), burns, cuts, insect bites, sprains and strains, sports injuries, minor head injuries, eye injuries, blood tests, X- rays, chest infections, suspected deep-vein thrombosis (a blood clot in a vein), cellulitis (an infection of the skin and the tissues beneath it) Open 8am to 10pm, seven days a week No appointment needed - just drop in. If the centre can not treat you they will assess you and refer to an appropriate alternative, for example Accident & Emergency
West Lancashire Health Clinic location Based within Ormskirk Hospital grounds 5 minute walk from Edge Hill University Open 8 am -10 pm, 7 days a week Main Hospital reception West Lancashire Health Centre
International Students (Non-EEA): Course Less than 6 Months Limited NHS treatment Free emergency hospital treatment Charges apply if: Given an outpatient appointment Admitted onto ward GP may treat urgent short-stay students free (if student cannot wait until return home)
Non EEA Students – Course lasts 6 months or more Should qualify for NHS treatment from beginning of stay - same basis as UK resident Entitled to: Free NHS treatment in NHS hospitals Can register with GP Evidence – if attending hospital/GP provide: evidence of study in UK evidence of UK address confirmation by EHU that you are on a course of study
Dental Treatment Combination of NHS and private dental service Always a charge for dental treatment – private or NHS Students should have medical insurance cover dental treatment Nearest dentist: Ravat and Ray –
Payments Required Even if you qualify for NHS treatment, payment must be made for: Medicines prescribed by GP GP services eg travel vaccinations/sickness certificates On-going treatment for illness present before entering UK Dental treatment Minor ailments – over-the-counter remedies/advice from pharmacist