“Dict” Means “Speak” diction One’s manner of speaking; enunciation.


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Presentation transcript:

“Dict” Means “Speak”

diction One’s manner of speaking; enunciation

edict Public words used by an official and proclaiming a law or command

contradict To speak against; to deny the truth; to say the opposite

dictation Act of speaking so that another may write down

indictment Formal words spoken or written by a grand jury charging a person with a crime

dictionary A reference book in which spoken and written words are defined

predict To speak about future events, foretell

verdict The decision in a trial given by a jury

dictator A leader who speaks rules with total power.

dictum A judge’s ruling or statement

Discomfort Distress or unease

primitive Simple; unsophisticated or crude

interior The inside of a space; such as a home or building

honored Accepting or enjoying respect or distinction

secretive Concealing; not open or frank

immersed Fully absorbed or occupied

bungled Botched; handled badly

contagious Spread by contact; communicable

brandishing Waving about in bold or daring manner; flourishing

imprinted Marked on a surface by printing or pressure

Words from Frindle

absorbed Fully engaged

aisle A passageway that separates one section from another

beaming Smiling very warmly

sidetrack To turn away or distract someone from the main subject

oath A formal appeal to God or another authority to witness to the truth of a promise or statement.

reputation The general estimation in which a person or thing is held by others.