MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online Game)
MMO Demographics
Five Factors that keep gamers hooked. Achievement, Relationship, Immersion, Escapism and Manipulation
MMO Advantages Persistent ever-changing world Rich collaborative social interaction Scenic chat room w/ interactive tasks Co-operative Learning
Gamer Loyalty
How 3D Language: Spain Interactive will benefit from an MMO platform The software industry has never seen an MMO that doubles as a learning interface MMO’s already outstanding popularity in the gaming forum Social interaction in a foreign language Real-time conversation practice with actual people New conversations and advanced levels Teamwork is required to complete tasks Customizable avatars Advance to new cities as your language skills progress
New add-ons to 3D Languages: Spain Interactive Tasks/Missions –Find the hotel –Operate ATM (first level) –Tasks will get progressively harder and will require more Spanish interaction Mini Games –Play games that are either Spanish learning oriented or just for fun –Compete against other players for high scores and earn credits
Game Structure –Game is divided into levels –Cash in credits earned in mini-games to advance levels. –Advanced levels could possibly take place in other parts of Spain, such as Barcelona or Madrid Addition of Currency –Incentive to complete tasks –ATM’s are located around virtual Seville Add-ons to 3D Language:Spain Interactive
Customizable Character Models
Updated Interface
Personal Info
Spanish (Spain) Level 1 Robust Interactive Software Native Speakers Real-life images Speech Recognition Price $ (Level 1)
Listening Tools Native speakers Everyday language Improves listening comprehension
Speaking Tools Practice Pronunciation Speech Recognition
Start SpanishNow! Deluxe Grammer & Vocabulary Reading & Listening Native Language: –Text –Videos –Stories –Role Play Price $39.95
Real-time conversation practice with real people A live community with support from peers Social motivation to continue improving language skills Ever changing tasks, locations, and community Live up-to-date world, just like real life Fun games & tasks to engage the user Targets young demographic (18-29) who are tech savvy Ideal for exchange students wanting to establish friendships abroad MMO platform unites the popularity of online games with language learning tools providing the user outstanding experience Price $19.95