Math Interventions Matrix Arkansas State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) 2402 Wildwood, Suite #170 Sherwood, AR Phone: Trainer: Debbie Hill “Accelerating struggling math learners to grade level achievement”
Created by a blue ribbon committee of 30 educators from around the state A resource to help narrow the achievement gap between struggling and achieving students Math Interventions Matrix
What is the essential learning each student must know in order to be successful? What does research indicate is the best way to teach that essential learning to struggling students? Essential Questions
Allow extra time for practice and review. Focus on number and algebraic thinking. Instruction should move from concrete to representational to abstract. Interventionists should be mathematically proficient. Interventions should take place early and often. Research Informed Decisions
Over 130 interventions based on CCSS and research findings for teaching students with disabilities and other struggling learners. The Results
www. Click on “Math Matrix” Link
Please contact Debbie Fleming if you have any questions or concerns. Literacy/Math Coordinator AR State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG)