The ARAB-ISRAELI Conflict 1
Why? The Holocaust Slaughtering of Jews during WWII. In Poland and Germany Led by the Nazis under Hitler As a result of this event, the West wanted to help the Jews who survived. The U.Ndecided to create a homeland for the Jews in 1948.U.N 2
Where was the Homeland to be? Divide Palestine of course Half the land went to the Jews=Israel Half the land went to the Arabs=no country Arabs did not agree to the split They had no choice In 1948 the population of the area was… Arabs 90% Jews 10% 3
Hostility of Arabs toward Jews Israel was a Jewish island in a sea of Muslims The Palestinians and their Arab neighbors never accepted the U.N.’s decisionU.N The Arab nations were clear: Israel did not have the right to exist In 1948 Egypt, Syria, and Jordan made war for the first time on the new state of Israel and lost From 1948 to present, a state of war exists between the 2 groups 5
Jerusalem was Divided by the United Nations in 1948 East Jerusalem For Palestinians The Old City Dome of the Rock Wailing Wall facts Wailing Wall facts No Israeli Jews allowed here West Jerusalem For Jews Modern City Israeli Jews not allowed in East Jerusalem Jews from other countries my visit either side 6
Holiest of Structures Fought over at the Temple Mount Dome of the Rock- Islam Oldest Islamic landmark in all of world An Islamic Shrine Second (3 rd ) holiest place for Islam— Mecca in Saudi Arabia is first Where Muhammad ascended into Heaven Dome of the Rock- Judaism Dome of the Rock- Judaism Holiest place on Earth for Jews Site of the Holy of Holies The inner sanctuary of the Holiest of Temples in Jewish tradition Site where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac 7
Israel’s Reaction to the S.D.W. They went on the offensive (1967)—they struck first 1 st day Completely destroyed the entire Egyptian AF 2 nd -6 th day With air superiority, they sent their tanks rolling into Egypt, Jordan, and Syria 6 th day Accepted Arab armies’ surrender 8
Israel Captured 4 Regions after the S.D.W. Region One The Sinai Peninsula Belonged to Egypt Eventually gave back to Egypt Region Two Gaza Belonged to Egypt Today, Palestinians want it as their homeland 9
Region Three The West BankWest Bank Belonged to Jordan Today, Palestinians want it as their homeland Region Four The Golan HeightsGolan Heights Belonged to Syria Still belongs to Israel but Syria wants it back 10
Results of the S.D.W. Victory Against the odds Humiliation Showed the Arab countries to be weak The 3 countries lost territory Revenge Arab World vowed revenge: State of war existed between Israel and her neighbors 11
Results of the S.D.W. cont… Gaza and the West Bank 600,000 Arabs came under Israeli administration Many young Arabs joined the Palestinian Liberation Organization PLO is a terrorist organization United Nations Resolution 242 In late 1967, the U.N. ruled that Israel should withdraw from all of the occupied territories. As of 2003, Israel had not withdrawn 12
West Bank People were Jordanian one day and Israeli the next day— following the S.D.W. Some Palestinians moved to Refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria Some Palestinians were “evicted” from here and forced to go to the refugee camps for a small amount of time (the time for them to return did not come) Jewish settlers started, and continued for many years, building settlements here. 13
Palestinian REFUGEE CAMPS Have been in place and managed by the United Nations since 1948 Most are located in the countries surrounding Israel Israel has stated they would allow citizenship to displaced Palestinian refugees in Israel if they are law-abiding The other Arab countries with refugees will not allow citizenship or financial support Currently the U.N. is funding these camps in Israel and other countries with the support of the U.S. and European countries 14
Life in the camps was frustrating to the young people Little opportunities and education Shortage of all necessary and basic supplies Tent living Some young people became terrorists because they saw their future so bleakly-- PLO The camps quickly became breeding grounds for more terrorists 15
PLO Led by Yasir Arafat Committed sabotage against Israel International Terrorism too: Midair destruction of civilian airplanes Murder of the entire 1972 Israeli Olympic team in Munich Germany Called themselves: Black September—subgroup of PLO 16
Punishment for Helping Israel Raise the price of gasoline OPEC oil crisis of 1974 OPEC= the group of oil-producing countries that set the world price for oil and gasoline In 1973, the Arab nations decided to punish the U.S. for supporting Israel Most specifically Saudi Arabia Gas/oil prices in the U.S. rose a lot and so did the price of everything. All things need to be transported 17
Peace: Egypt and Israel 1978 President Anwar Sadat--Egypt President Sadat, President Carter, and Prime Minister Begin at Camp David 19
In 1977, President Sadat made a visit to Israel to sign a peace treaty with Prime Minister Begin after 30 years of war. Israel gave them back the Sinai Peninsula In 1978 Sadat and Begin won the Nobel Peace Prize In 1981, Sadat was assassinated by Arab terrorists who did not want peace with Israel 20
Overall, what is going on? Israel has bombed Lebanon and other places because of terrorist attacks and camps Others have bombed Israel Israel’s army has arrested masses of Palestinians for their violence inside Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Terrorist groups have sprang up: Hamas: Arose in 1980s Wants Israel destroyed Doesn’t agree with any peace between Israel and the Palestinians Has been successful in delaying peace agreements because of their violence 21
Terrorist groups have sprang up cont: Islamic Jihad: Arose in 1980s Wants Israel destroyed Formed by Palestinian students in Egypt Hezbollah: Arose in 1980s Led by the leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Shia Islamic Group First in Lebanon Jewish Terrorists: Arose around 1980s Camp David Accords: 1993 Prime Minister Rabin and Yasir Arafat (PLO leader) signed a peace treaty that was to: Give Palestinians self-rule in Gaza and the West Bank Israel would eventually withdraw troops from Gaza and West Bank Israel recognized PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people—Palestinian Authority PLO recognized Israel’s right to exist 22
Jewish terrorists targeted sacred places to all the religions in the area in protest to the C.D. A. They also assassinated Rabin in 1995 because he did not approve of these actions More violence has occurred since the C.D.A. and this has led to a break down in Peace. Arafat seemed to not be able to control his people and this was not tolerated by Israel or the U.S. Arafat was targeted and as a result he gave up his power. Hamas took over 2004 Jewish Settlers were pulled out of Gaza Much violence goes on today. 23
Gaza 24
West Bank 25
Golan Heights 26
Current State of Israel Conflict-- still over land Land— Jerusalem is occupied by Israelis. Want to be the capital of all Israel…UN and its members do not recognize Jerusalem as a capital but as an international property. Gaza is controlled by Palestinians Palestinians— Still displaced fighting to hang on to land all throughout Israel Terrorism— Still an issue 27
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