Human Geography of Latin America-A Blending of Cultures Chapter 10 Notes Human Geography of Latin America-A Blending of Cultures
Section 1- Mexico DON’T WRITE Several ancient societies played a major role in Mexican society including the …
Section 1- Mexico DON’T WRITE The Olmec- Existed between 1200 BC- 300 BC Location- Swampy lowland of Southern Mexico Inventions & Accomplishments: Large planned cities Huge, pyramids shaped stone temples Highly organized government Hieroglyphic writing Counting system Calendar
Section 1- Mexico Mayans- Years in existence: 300-900 AD Location: Tropical highlands of Central America & Yucatan Peninsula DON’T WRITE Inventions/Accomplishments: Elaborate irrigations system Organized independent city states Cities were religious centers Polytheistic Precise Calendar Numbering system that included zero No one knows why they began to abandon their cities in the 800’s
Section 1- Mexico Aztec Years in existence: 1200-1530 AD Location: South Mexico DON’T WRITE Inventions/Accomplishments Conquered peoples were forced to pay tribute to central government Montezuma greatest ruler Military roads to the outposts from Capital Built causeways to connect island to mainland Sacrificing of POW’s!!! Chichen Itza One of the new 7 wonders of the world
DON’T WRITE Video We can successfully reconstruct Aztec human sacrifice with a high level of accuracy. Some sacrifices were very minimal, involving the sacrifice of a slave to a minor god, and some were very spectacular, involving hundreds or thousands of captives. Aztec history claims that Ahuitzotl (1468-1502), who preceded Mocteuzma II as king, sacrificed 20,000 people after a campaign in Oaxaca ("O-a-sha-ka"). No matter what the size of the sacrifice, it was always performed the same way. The victim was held down by four priests on an altar at the top of a pyramid or raised temple while the officiant made an incision below the rib cage and pulled out the living heart. The heart was then burned and the corpse was pushed down the steep steps; a very brave or noble victim was carried down the steps. The most brutal of human sacrifices were those dedicated to the god Huehueteotl. Sacrificial victims were drugged and then thrown into a fire at the top of the ceremonial platform. Before they were killed by the fire, they were dragged out with hooks and their living hearts were pulled out and thrown back into the fire.
Incas Years of existence: 1350-1533 AD Location: Andes Mountains, Amazon Rainforest, From Ecuador to Chile & Argentina DON’T WRITE Inventions/Accomplishments Government cared for sick & elderly by collecting taxes Dammed rivers to look for gold Invented the crowbar Brain surgery Treated Malaria No system of writing
Machu Picchu- Incan nobility retreat. Most famous of the Incan ruins One of the new 7 wonders of the world Video
DON’T WRITE 188 soldiers with 62 on horses were able to defeat an army of 90,000+ Incan soldiers, w/out losing a single soldier. How? Spanish Steel & armor vs. clubs ? Horses, 6,000 years? Diseases (smallpox, influenza…)?
Section 1- Mexico Spanish Conquest- Hernando Cortes of Spain landed on the coast of Mexico in 1520 & took over the Aztec empire with only a few thousand men. How is this possible? God status Smallpox Steel armor & horses Catholicism Used native enemies
DON’T WRITE “I implore you to recognize the Church as a lady and in the name of the Pope take the King as lord of this land and obey his mandates. If you do not do it, I tell you that with the help of God I will enter powerfully against all. I will make war everywhere and every way that I can. I will subject you to the yoke and obedience to the Church and to his majesty. I will take your women and children and make them slaves….The deaths and injuries that you will receive from here on will be your own fault and not that of his majesty nor of the gentlemen that accompany me.” Read aloud in Spanish Now free to do whatever they wanted to the “Indians” that they had “discovered”
Section 1- Mexico Tenochtitlán- ancient capital of the Aztecs Present day Mexico City Conquered by Hernando Cortés
Section 1- Mexico Francisco Madero, Pancho Villa, & Emiliano Zapata all famous revolutionaries advocated taking land from rich landowners & giving it to peasants
Section 1- Mexico Culture- People Spanish speaking Roman Catholic Native Indians of Mexico Spanish who immigrated Mestizo- people of mixed Spanish & Native American heritage
Section 1- Mexico Maquiladoras- factories in Mexico that assemble materials into finished products that are then exported, usually to U.S.
Section 1- Mexico NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)- includes Mexico, the U.S., & Canada Countries can trade freely with one another and not be assessed a tariff Hopes to create millions of jobs
Section 1- Mexico DON’T WRITE Many Mexicans work in the U.S. & send money back home to Mexico because they can make so much more money in U.S.
Section 2: Central America & the Caribbean Central America forms an isthmus (a land bridge) between N. & S. America DON’T WRITE Also divides two oceans Attractive area for commerce
Section 2: Central America & the Caribbean DON’T WRITE Cultural Hearth- place from which important ideas spread. Origin of a major culture Mayans & Aztecs’ capitals are examples
Don’t Write Christopher Columbus & 1492 What did he find vs. what he thought he found? Taino & sugar plantations? Problems? African solution in Caribbean & Brazil? European influences in region?
Section 2: Central America & the Caribbean DON’T WRITE Caribbean Colonies Most are Spanish speaking & Roman Catholic
Section 2: Central America & the Caribbean Panama Canal- cuts through the land bridge between N. & S. America & connects the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans DON’T WRITE 36 cents & $375,000?
Section 2: Central America & the Caribbean Calypso- music genre that uses steel drums and guitars DON’T WRITE Seen a lot on street corners
Section 2: Central America & the Caribbean Reggae- most songs deal with social problems, religion, & protest DON’T WRITE Bob Marley is the most famous reggae artist
Section 2: Central America & the Caribbean Informal Economy- in touristy areas, selling goods to tourists DON’T WRITE there is a whole economy outside of official channels Provides many jobs w/out protections
Section 3: Spanish-Speaking South America DON’T WRITE All of the nations of South America speak Spanish except Brazil
Section 3: Spanish-Speaking South America Governments of South America since 1800’s Oligarchy- means rule by the few Military Rule
Section 3: Spanish-Speaking South America MERCOSUR- (stands for southern common market) allows member countries to trade freely with the other member countries w/out tariffs, same as NAFTA
Section 3: Spanish-Speaking South America DON’T WRITE Simón Bolívar- Venezuelan military & political leader Led Venezuela & other countries to independence from Spain Known as El Libertador (The Liberator)
Section 4: Brazil Ronaldhino DON’T WRITE Brazil- most populous of the nations of South America
Section 4: Brazil Treaty of Tordesillas- Division of South America by Spain & Portugal. All land to the West of the line belonged to Spain & all land to the East of the line belonged to Portugal 1494 DON’T WRITE Why did the Pope step in?
Section 4: Brazil DON’T WRITE Brazil’s population is concentrated along the eastern coast, why?
Section 4: Brazil DON’T WRITE Brazil- Speak Portuguese Christ the Redeemer overlooking Rio De Janeiro DON’T WRITE Brazil- Speak Portuguese Largest Catholic Population in the world One of the new 7 wonders of the world
Section 4: Brazil Brasìlia- capital of Brazil Created in 1957 to open the interior of Brazil
Section 4: Brazil Don’t Write Growing economic power with an abundance of natural resources
Section 4: Brazil Carnival- huge celebration right before Lent, with costumes, masks, & partying Samba- most popular type of music in Brazil
Section 4: Brazil Capoeira- Brazilian martial art & dance form Capoeira Style Capoeira Fight
Section 4: Brazil Favelas- very poor slums of the big cities Found on hillsides of the cities Caused by widening gap between rich & poor