Improve your vocabulary for speaking about appearances and listening to discussions about appearances. Encourage reflection and critical analysis.
Some of you will be witnesses to a crime and some of you will be sketch artists at a police station. The witnesses will be shown pictures of suspects for 20 seconds while the sketch artists wait outside. The sketch artists will come back in and the witnesses then need to describe to the sketch artists how the suspects look. The teams that produce the most accurate sketches will win!
Eyes Big Small Close together Far apart Round Almond-shaped Droopy
Eyelashes Long Short Dark Light Thick Thin
Eyebrows Long Short Dark Light Thick Thin Arched Straight
Lips Thick Thin Wide Narrow Bow-shaped Pouty
Nose Long Thin Wide Small Roman Straight Ski jump
Cheeks High Flat Chubby Sunken Pink
Chin Big Small Pointy Round
Beard & Moustache Short Long Thick Thin
Hair (Fringe/Bangs) Short Long Thick Thin Straight Curly Wavy Black Brown Blonde Red Grey/White
Skin Supple/Smooth Wrinkled White Black Brown Yellow Freckled Rough
Face Shapes