IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS NADIA PAVIA, Ph.D., Full Professor University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija TAMARA FLORIČIĆ, Ph. D., Senior Assistant Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism MARTA CEROVIĆ, Mag. oec., Assistant University or Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS PROBLEM AREA: The trends in tourist demand and perception of tourists in modern tourism changed. The knowledge about fragileness of tourism resources is spread The tourists tend to behave and valorise responsibility in action of all stakeholders in tourism sector AIM: - Is to explore sustainable consciousness of the users of tourist offer. -How do tourists valorise sustainable actions of : Tour operators Hoteliers – accommodation providers Destination organisation
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS HYPOTESYS Sustainable actions in tourist destination impact tourist demand and influence on increase of tourist arrivals RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Case study analysis Quantitative methodology – semi structured questionnaire Likert scale Statistic methods
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS The conducted research points to the importance of the implementation of modern trends of social responsibility in all tourist activity areas, starting from the segment of accommodation facilities which, by implementation, achieve a new competitiveness towards tour operators and destination developmental strategies.
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS SUSTAINABLE HOTELIORS - Ritz Carlton – Project Impact 2030 ( from January 2015) ( mobilise corporate volunteers for helping in community) Community footprints program -Hilton Worldwide - programs: “Light stay” and “Global week of service” where employees for one week are engaged in projects of charity, education, health, support and help - UPUHH Ministry of Tourism, the Association of Employers in Croatian Hospitality initiated in 2014 a pilot project "Green business in hospitality". A total of 21 hotels joined the project
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS SUSTAINABLE HOTELIORS – PARK PLAZA HOTELS & RESORTS Document: Corporate Social Responsibility Policy - it developes activities and strategies: -TREE Programm (Total Responsibility for Everyone's Environment) -SEASON Programm (Save Energy and Switch off Now)
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS Sustainable development and social responsibility are related to: Water, Electricity, Heating, Purchasing, Waste Management, Learning & Development, Community, Charity, Corporate Travel, Guest Communication, Charity work (Willow foundation) AWARDS: "Considerate Hotelier Association Award" and the "Green Tourism Award."
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS SUSTAINABLE TOUR OPERATOR SOLRESOR –Sweden Develope marketing brand Eden Lifestyle The brand strategy is sustainability and wellbeing and, within the sustainability strategies Development of "Eden Gardens" project The project concept includes putting aside a part of the funds of each realised booking for reforestation of cleared areas and areas affected by soil erosion. The project entitled "Eden Lifestyle plants a tree for you!" reforests areas in Malta, Italy (Sicily) and Portugal (Madeira),
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS SUSTAINABLE TOUR OPERATOR The project is developed in cooperation with national Ministries of Forestry, which allocate areas and reforest them using the funds provided by the tour operator Solresor - Eden Lifestyle's concept. Marketing promotion – media & presentations According to business cooperation with Arenaturist hotel company which partly operates under Park Plaza hotels & Resorts hotel brand, it is planned to develope Eden Gardens in Croatia in Pula and Medulin tourist destinations.
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS SUSTAINABLE DESTINATION ORGANISATION Croatia, Cres, Lubenice, Pernat peninsula Centre for sustainable development "Gerbin“ – develops: Develops by buing an integral approach: -preservation of autochthonous folk architectur -valorisation of natural and cultural and historical heritage, -local economy revitalisation, -use of renewable energy sources and environmental protection, -landscaping and creation of projects related to sustainable island tourism:
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS SUSTAINABLE DESTINATION ORGANISATION organisation of pedestrian paths and routes – "reading space" valorisation of biodiversity, plant and animal endangered species encouragement of the local economy and traditional trades: product & "story telling“: crafts (olive tree, limestone, local products from domestic animal sheep: wool, cheese, meat) valorisation of folk architecture and landscape heritage
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS SUSTAINABLE DESTINATION ORGANISATION Mexico, Yucatan, Riviera Maya – Xcaret Park (natural, cultural, entertainment park) Developed under sustainability concept: -“Balance: Social, Ambient, Cultural” - Preservation and education about rainforest and local endangered animal and botanic species UNWTO Silk Road Destinations project -Collaborative initiative that involves 31 countries -Sustainable development of historic route and cultural and religious destinations.
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS RESEARCH Focused on: the competitive advantage of sustainable initiatives in choosing a destination Questionnaire – Tourists in Istria and Kvarner 300 Questionnaires : valid replies: Gender structure: 52% female + 48% male -Age structure: 41% older then 55, 37% from 36 – 55, 22 % younger then 36 years of age -Nationality: Italians, 31%, Germans with 26%, Slowenian, Austrian, Hungarian, Americans, British
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS RESEARCH 10 questions related with sustainability issues Likert scale of valuation ( ) – level of agreement Calculation of average grade of participant's reply
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS RESEARCH - Attitudes of tourists towards the importance of sustainable initiatives in the tourist destination Average grade While choosing the destination, opting for those with green initiatives prevailed in making the decision When travelling to the destination I care about how my behaviour influences the local surroundings (environment) Knowing the fact that, by choosing a certain destination and hotel, I am contributing to nature preservation and sustainable development, it would represent added value to my tourist stay. 3.88
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS RESEARCH - Attitudes of tourists towards the importance of sustainable initiatives in the tourist destination Average grade I am willing to give a small financial donation for planned and organised activity in the destination I would behave more responsibly than usual in a tourist destination that is developing responsibly and cares about the environment When I have the opportunity, I personally and physically engage in sustainable activities. 2.83
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS RESEARCH - Attitudes of tourists towards the importance of sustainable initiatives in the tourist destination Average grade I recognise the importance of compensation and replacement of used resources (e.g. if a tree has been cut for the purposes of tourist development, then a forestation is organised) Sustainability and economic usefulness are achieved by using local produce in the catering facilities in the destination. 4.03
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS RESEARCH - Attitudes of tourists towards the importance of sustainable initiatives in the tourist destination Average grade When I travel I often choose hotels that are involved in socially responsible activities After returning from a trip I would talk to my family and friends and praise green initiatives. 4.31
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS CONCLUSION - RECOMANDATIONS Importance of : implementation of modern trends of social responsibility in all areas of tourist activities: -accommodation offer, - tour operators -destination developmental strategies. Achievment of new competitivenes Mouth to mouth promotion – intangible values Awakenig of “better me” - change of tourist’s behaviour and perception of themselfs
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS CONCLUSION - RECOMANDATIONS Strategical investments: -Building of new structures ( hotels, facilities ) -Green means of transportation (responsible vheicles: travel and in resort ) -Promotional mix directed towards tourists in the destination about raising awareness about sensitive resources -educational programmes in the local community for the purposes of realising own values and sensitive resources -Organise tourism industry staff activities in humanitarian work
ToSEE - Tourism in South East Europe 3rd International Scientific Conference Sustainable Tourism, Economic Development and Quality of Life University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija IMPACT OF STAKEHOLDERS' SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS ON PLANNED TOURIST ARRIVALS CONCLUSION - RECOMANDATIONS - Support reforestation initiatives - Organize sustainable events with the aim to collect financial funding for responsible initiatives - support local production with adequate promotion and higher-level prices - Physical involvement of tourist and engagement in sustainable initiatives.
Thank you for your attention! TAMARA FLORIČIĆ, Ph. D., Senior Assistant Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism dr. Mijo Mirkovic