U17 – Performance Analysis
What is Performance Analysis? Performance Analysis is about creating a valid and reliable record of performance by means of observations that can be analysed with a view to improved performance.
Types of Performance Analysis? Notational AnalysisVideo Based Analysis
Typical Coaching Process Competition Coach analyses performance Coaches identifies strengths/weaknesses Training
The Facts Two key studies have highlighted memory retention problems: Coaches able to recall only 30-50% of key performance factors they had witnessed.
Coaching Process with PA Competition PA Analyses Performance Feedback to coach Coach feedback to players Applies issues in training Quality of the feedback influences learning Objective description of performance
PA Can Impact on Individual Performance Team Performance Analysing Opposition Training Design
How do we Analyse? Before structuring an analysis tool we must consider…. What information we want to gather? –(Technical or Tactical, Team or Individual) What information we are capable of gathering? –(Every match, Training, have we equipment, time,etc.) What format will we gather the information in? –(Video or Notational)
What to Feedback Feedback should be constructive Develop a model for comparison Feedback should relate to the players’ skill level Do not provide too much information Do not provide feedback that is too precise
Analysis Know your limits in terms of information gathering – what is going to make a difference? Make sure it is reliable
Benefits of PA Benefit for the Players –Improving Technical and Tactical Knowledge –Improves Decision-Making –Improves Confidence Benefit for Coach –Assisted in the development of an effective style of play for a team –Enhanced their own development and coaching practice –Allowed for an in-depth review of matches
U17 Key Points Individual Encourage Self Analysis: - What am I doing well? - Where could I improve? - What are the key changes I need to make? Give regular positive feedback on: - work rate - attitude when in crisis - leadership Statistical feedback i.e. turnovers for (TF)/ turnover against (TA) Individual video feedback on technique and skill improvement. Heart rate monitors Hydration feedback Team What is our preferred style of play? What are our strengths/weaknesses? What are we doing when we play well? What are we doing when we play poorly? How can we improve? Video analysis – positives/areas for development. Focusing on areas of deficit i.e. break ball lost (BBL), fouls against (FA), wide balls (W) and drop shorts (DS).
Under 17 Personal Assessment As the players get older the standard of the game ultimately improves and so does the level of analysis. As you can see the analysis sheet has become more detailed looking at more events in a game. You can design your own template to look at factors that effect your team.