Library and Information Science Education in Slovenia dr. Alenka Šauperl, assistant professor Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Introduction to Slovenia 1/2 Population: (2003 census) Territory: km 2 Tallest mountain: Triglav (2.864 m) Adriatic coastline: about 42 km Capital city: Ljubljana (population ) Indepentent state since 1991
Introduction to Slovenia 2/2 Currency: TOLAR Architect: Jože Plečnik ( ) Building: National and University Library ( )
The National and University Library beginning in 1774 the palace 1941
Slovenian libraries 64 public libraries in most towns and cities Academic libraries in all state and private faculties School libraries in all primary and secondary schools Special libraries in some of the major companies
Professional positions Librarian with a high school diploma For basic work operations Librarian with a college degree Work in circulation and technical services Librarian with an university degree Work in all areas, management positions
Slovenian national library network Almost 300 libraries cooperate in the national union cataloging system High level of cooperation also in interlibrary loan and other services and activities Cooperation among, and within public, academic, special and school libraries
Three Slovenian universities University of Ljubljana faculties, graduates in 2004 University of Maribor faculties, graduates in 2004 University of Primorska (in Koper) faculties, 341 graduates in 2004
Three Slovenian universities
The University of Ljubljana 1919
Schools 1.Academy of Fine Arts 2.Academy of Music 3.Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television 4.College of Nursing 5.Biotechnical Faculty 6.Faculty of Administration 7.Faculty of Architecture 8.Faculty of Arts 9.Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 10.Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering 11.Faculty of Computer Science 12.Faculty of Economics 13.Faculty of Education 14.Faculty of Electronics 15.Faculty of Law 16.Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport 17.Faculty of Mathematics and Physics 18.Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 19.Faculty of Medicine 20.Faculty of Natural Sciences 21.Faculty of Pharmacy 22.Faculty of Social Sciences 23.Faculty of Social Work 24.Faculty of Sports 25.Faculty of Theology 26.Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty of Arts in the centre of Ljubljana
Faculty of Arts departments Archeology Art history Comparative linguistics and literature Ethnology Geography History Library and information science and book studies Musicology Pedagogy Philosophy Psychology Several languages with literature, including Czech Sociology Translating and interpreting
Facts about Faculty of Arts Founded in 1919 About students About 300 faculty members Computers for all faculty, one computer lab and only a few computers for students Departmental libraries
History of LIS education 1/2 First organized course: 5 weeks long For secondary school graduates 1947, 1949 First college program: 2 years Major or minor Academy of Education (now Faculty of Education) 1964/65
History of LIS education 2/2 First university program: 4 +1 year program Major or minor 1987/1988 Faculty of Arts development: Only LS can be studied since 1996/97 Information science and book studies added in 2000 Graduate programs: Master’s: 2+1 year, individual programs Doctoral program up to 5 years Since 1995/96 Still the only LIS program in Slovenia
State examination All these years a parallel system: All graduates of Secondary schools Colleges Universities Work experience + preparatory lectures Examinations in 7 subjects at the National and University Library
Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies Enrollment of about 50 students per year About 30 students in single subject program About 20 students also studying at another department of Faculty of Arts Faculty: 8 full-time professors and assistants About 20 adjunct lecturers 4 classrooms + shared computer lab
First year Bibliography Descriptive Cataloguing English Language I Foundations of Librarianship History and Philosophy of Science History of Librarianship Information Technology Introduction to information science Publishing and Book Trade I Research Methods I
Second year Contemporary Organization of Librarianship I – Basics Databases I Descriptive Cataloguing II Developmental Psychology English Language II Library Automation Research Methods II Placement Public Libraries Publishing and Book Trade II School Libraries Subject Cataloguing I
Third year Academic Libraries Bibliometrics Codicology Cognitive Psychology I Contemporary Organization of Librarianship II – Systems Databases II Descriptive Cataloguing III Placement Publishing and Book Trade III Reference Service and Methods Sociology of Mass Media Special Libraries Subject Cataloguing II
Fourth year Book History Cognitive Psychology II Comparative Librarianship Computer Communications Contemporary Organization of Librarianship III – Theory Descriptive Cataloguing IV. Documentation Library Management Library Marketing Library User Studies Preservation and restauration of library materials Publishing and Book Trade IV
Final year Passing all exams Graduation thesis: Advisor Approval of a committee Text of 40+ pages Defense in front of a 3 member committee Defenses are scheduled in January, April, May, June, September, and November The dean hands out diplomas in a formal ceremony several times a year
Payment Undergraduate study: No tuition for full-time students About EUR per year for part-time students Master’s study: 60% funded by the Ministry of Education Total cost about EUR per year Average salary in Slovenia 730 EUR (neto)
Master’s program 4 required courses 2 elective courses, one outside department Master’s thesis
Required courses Library scienceInformation science Book studies Organization of information Contemporary publishing LIS research methods Copyright & trade of intell. property Development of LIS Information retrieval systems Marketing methods in publ. Library management Digital librariesElectronic publishing
Master’s program – Elective courses Data structures, algorithms and programming Database design Issues in contemporary LIS Issues in contemporary publishing Learning as a contiunous process in personal development Library information systems Library marketing Library systems and evaluation New technologies in publishing Preservation of library materials Social aspects of information science Theory of descriptive cataloging Information theory Theory of information sources and services Theory of subject cataloging User studies Visual information in digital libraries
New program undergoing accreditation in 2005 Bologna declaration 3 years of undergraduate + 2 years of graduate studies One undergraduate degree with 3 tracks: library science, information science book studies Four graduate degrees: library science school librarianship information science book studies
International cooperation Socrates/Erasmus Prague City University London Leonardo da Vinci Leipzig Paris Oxford Joint degree program in book studies: Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur, Fachbereich Buch und Museum, Leipzig Pôle Métiers du Livre, Univ. Paris X-Nanterre Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies, Oxford Brookes University
EKIPA Project in Leonardo da Vinci Program Students work in libraries, information centres, publishers and bookstores Become a truly European graduate of LISB
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