Welcome to Fourth Grade Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Gooch Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Hruby
Lunch Schedule Lunches Mrs. Brooks11:55 Mrs. Gooch12:00 Mrs. Hruby12:00 Mrs. Clark12:05
Curriculum Spelling -- Includes vocabulary building Language Arts -- Various sources Writing -- Narrative Writing (Empowering Writers Program) Reading -- Story elements; “active reader”; (Basal Readers, Novels, Passages) Math: Hands-on manupulatives; various texts Social Studies: North Carolina History Science: Magnetism/Electricity, Animals Nutrition, Health (including drug & alcohol awareness)
Homework Students will have homework almost every night Homework reviews and practices concepts we are studying in class We encourage you to check over your child’s homework
Homework and Grading Reading, Math, Social Studies: Classwork = 30% of grade Homework = 20% of grade Tests/Quizzes = 50% of grade
Grading Science grades are not weighted Spelling grades are as follows: Classwork/Homework = 50% Tests = 50% * Late Work (up to 3 days = 10 pts. Off)
PBS Positive Behavior Support Tramway Elementary has implemented a program called Positive Behavior Support (PBS). This is a proactive system in which students throughout the school have common behavior expectations. This includes school-wide rules and procedures, systematic reinforcement of procedures and recognition of accomplishments based on respect, responsibility, and safety.
Field Trips OT Sloan Pool for Water Safety August 6 th – Brooks/GoochAugust 11 th – Clark/Hruby Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Cary Aug. 21 st – Brooks/GoochAug. 22 nd – Clark/Hruby Raleigh--Legislature, Museums & Capitol (unscheduled at this time) Poe Health Center (unscheduled at this time)
Closing We encourage you to read handbook. Reinforce PBS Matrix at home. Tramway Phone: Please call after 2:30