Exercise – Bird Count Database TablesFields Species Species_ID, Common Name LocationHabitat, Coordinates VisitTime, Weather, Date SurveyMinute, species, visual/auditory Multiple visits to each location 10 minute count during each visit: listens for each individual of each species that can see or hear, records species, minute during count, visual/auditory Only one observer (otherwise an observer table would be needed)
Bird Count Database - Grid HOW ARE THE TABLES RELATED? What is the key? SpeciesLocationVisitSurvey LocationN/A---- VisitN/A-- SurveyN/A
Bird Count Database - Species Document the Species Table Table Name: Table Description: Table Fields: Relationships:
Bird Count Database - Species Document the Species Fields Field Names: Field Descriptions: Data Type: Constraints: Is there a primary key? Is any data duplicated (value depends only on a field other than the primary key), indicating the need for a separate table? Are there any groups of fields (e.g.: Count1, Count2, Count3, or Species1, Species2, Species3)? Are there any rules (constraints based on more than a single field) that relate to information in this table?
Bird Count Database - Location Document the Location Table Table Name: Table Description: Table Fields: Relationships:
Bird Count Database - Location Document the Location Fields Field Names: Field Descriptions: Data Type: Constraints: Is there a primary key? Is any data duplicated (value depends only on a field other than the primary key), indicating the need for a separate table? Are there any rules (constraints based on more than a single field) that relate to information in this table?
Bird Count Database - Visit Document the Visit Table Table Name: Table Description: Table Fields: Relationships:
Bird Count Database - Visit Document the Visit Fields Field Names: Field Descriptions: Data Type: Constraints: Is there a primary key? Is any data duplicated (value depends only on a field other than the primary key), indicating the need for a separate table? Are there any rules (constraints based on more than a single field) that relate to information in this table?
Bird Count Database - Survey Document the Survey Table Table Name: Table Description: Table Fields: Relationships:
Bird Count Database - Survey Document the Survey Fields Field Names: Field Descriptions: Data Type: Constraints: Is there a primary key? Is any data duplicated (value depends only on a field other than the primary key), indicating the need for a separate table? Are there any rules (constraints based on more than a single field) that relate to information in this table?