CHOICE 2015 Silver Spring International Middle School Parent Teacher Student Association September 9, 2014
CHOICE Process What does CHOICE mean? What is the difference between Academy, Magnet program? What's the best way to determine whether a particular school may be a good fit for my child?
CHOICE Process High school lottery All students who live in the DCC attendance area All students who live in the NEC attendance area Students that attend DCC middle school Impacting factors: Number of seats available Choice ranking Sibling link Socioeconomic status Gender The sibling link does not apply to Application only programs
Base School Assignments DCC Montgomery Blair Albert Einstein John Kennedy Northwood Wheaton NEC Blake Springbrook Paint Branch The base school is guaranteed if: it is the 1 st CHOICE or, if it is the second CHOICE and the first Choice is not assigned
Transportation Transportation is provided for students who live within the DCC/NEC attendance area and beyond walking distance of their assigned DCC high school. Walking distance is determined by MCPS, and is approximately two miles for high school students.
DCC Academies Blair High School Academy of Entrepreneurship and Business Management Academy of Human Services Professions Academy of International Studies and Law Academy of Media, Music and the Arts Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Albert Einstein High School Academy of Finance, Business Management, and Marketing Academy of Visual and Performing Arts International Baccalaureate Diploma Program Renaissance Academy
John F. Kennedy High School Health Career Academy Media Communications Academy Public Communications Creative Media Business Management & Administration Academy International Baccalaureate Program Special Programs: NJROTC Medical Careers
Northwood High School Academy of Musical Theatre and Dance Academy of Politics, Advocacy and law Academy of technology, Environmental and System Sciences Academy of Humanities, Art and Media Montgomery College Middle College
Wheaton High School Bioscience Academy Academy of Information Technology Academy of Engineering Institute for Global and Cultural Studies
NEC Signature Programs and Academies James Hubert High School Arts and the the the Humanities Academy Programs Paint branch High School Academy of Science and the Media Arts Academy Programs Springbrook High School International International Baccalaureate World languages The Academy of Information Technology The Academy of Programs of Study
Application only programs International Baccalaureate Richard Montgomery HS Leadership Training Institute Kennedy HS Career and Technology Education Program Thomas Edison High School of Technology Blair High School Communication Arts (CAP) Science, Math, Computer Science Magnet Program Wheaton High School Biomedical Engineering Poolsville HS Global Ecology Albert Einstein High School Visual Art Center (VAC)
Academy or Magnet…consider Courses: shared or in sequence Forms need to be returned on time Small learning communities or cohorts School assignments may be based on student needs (ESOl/SPED) Assignment lottery vs. Application Application only (student delivered) Testing Letter of recommendations Sibling link doesn’t apply to magnet Programs
Preparing for the process Attend evening information meetings Attend open houses Familiarize yourself with the Milestone/Signatures booklets, 2013
The FORM Round 1 Pre-printed All DCC/NEC students respectively Mailed home, October 10 Due in November, 7 Returned to Counselor’s Office Assignment letter arrive in February Round 2 Pre-printed All DCC/NEC students who didn’t get first CHOICE New students Mailed home Early February Returned to Counselor’s Office Assignments arrive in March
Change of CHOICE Available for 9 th, 10 th, 11 th and 12 th graders Requested in February Impacting factors: numbers of seats available, socioeconomic status, gender Appeal process is available
Important Dates Option Fairs 7:00pmOption Fairs Monday, September 22, 2014 Northwood high School Monday, September 29, 2014 James Hubert Blake, HS 8:00pmApplication & Magnet programs NEC Monday, Sept. 29 6:00pm to 6:45pm HS Considerations for SPED Students