1 Culture Studies in Intensive English Program Exploration of the best possible solutions for the Culture Studies curriculum for the Intensive English program of ILE SAP AY Professor Lyra Riabov
2 Approach: Definition of Culture Learning Culture for life adjustment for immigrants and refugees Learning Culture for conducting business internationally Learning Culture for mastering a second/foreign language Comparative Culture learning process effects
3 Approach: Learning Culture for practical applications and improvement of four basic language skills: speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing Learning Culture for the ability to understand, interpret and use vocabulary, idioms, slang, jargon, inferences, connotations, and humor Learning Culture for the ability to communicate in daily life, academic and business environment, media, and entertainment Underestimation of the need to learn Culture as an integral component of English language learning in non- English speaking countries The role of technology in learning Culture
4 Recommended reading: Alvino E. Fantini, Editor New Ways in Teaching Culture TESOL Publications,1997 Mike Levy, Culture, Culture Learning and new Technologies: Towards a Pedagogical Framework, Language Learning & Technology Vol.11, No.2, June 2007, pp Language Learning & Technology Atkinson, D. (1999). TESOL and Culture. TESOL Quarterly, 33(4), Baldwin, J. R., Faulkner, S. L., & Hecht, M. L. (2006). A moving target: The illusive definition of culture. In J. R. Baldwin, S. L. Faulkner, M. L. Hecht & S. L. Lindsley (Eds.), Redefining culture: Perspectives across the disciplines (pp. 3-26). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Baldwin, J. R., Faulkner, S. L., Hecht, M. L., & Lindsley, S. L. (Eds.) (2006). Redefining culture: Perspectives across the disciplines. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Althen, Gary, Recurring Issues in Intercultural Communication. Learning Across Washington, DC NAFSA, 1994 Altten, Gary, American Ways Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press, 1988 Paige, Michael Education for the Intercultural Experience 2nd ed. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press, 1993 Bennett, Janet and Bennett Milton, Multiculturalism and International Education: Domestic and International Differences. Learning across Cultures, Washington, DC: NAFSA, 1994 Mestenhauser, Josef A. “Concepts and Theories of Culture Learning” Culture Learning and the Disciplines Washington, DC, NAFSA, 1988 Learning English and Cultural Adjustment by Lyra Riabov New Hampshire College Journal Spring 1998, Vol.,15,NO 1, pp.84-92Learning English and Cultural Adjustment
5 Faculty Surveys Faculty Survey Blank Form Faculty Survey 1 Faculty Survey 2 Faculty Survey 3 Faculty Survey 4 Faculty Survey 5 Faculty Survey 6 Faculty Survey 7 Faculty Survey 8 Faculty Survey 9 Faculty Survey 10
6 Students Surveys Students Survey Blank Form Students Surveys Summary with comments Students Surveys Summary Charts Culture Courses Descriptions and Syllabi AY
7 IEP Culture Studies Curriculum Development Recommendations: Constantly compare US culture vs. students native country culture Teach all four basic language skills Consider sequence of levels of language competency Focus on active involvement of student in meaningful activities Consider Project based approach (group or individual): (See Samples of Project Assignments and Students presentations) (See Samples of Project Assignments and Students presentations)
8 Types of Assignments –reading, –listening, –analyzing, –research, –discussion forums, –presentation skills, –organizing ideas, –role plays, –interviews, –basic computer skills, –learning to evaluate resources, –deliver presentations (short or long)
9 Resources for learning text books, teacher developed course packs, media (CDs, DVDs, TV programs, the Internet, CALL materials, films, and virtual presentations: web casts, and pod casts), real life encounters: interviews, combined classes, activities with domestic students, and field trips See the models and project assignment for combined classes
10 Summary Recommendations All Syllabi and descriptions need revision and improvement following a revised Culture Studies Curriculum Consider consistency from L 2 - L 7 in the selection of topics for discussion Consider consistency in selection of language skills based on the level of language competency according to the selected sources of information Follow either a series of text books, or develop a course pack that reflects curriculum requirement for the course. Identify your additional material used in the syllabus weekly assignments Make sure that copyrights are considered Specify your project assignments, all quizzes and tests in the syllabi Consider field trips as a source of culture for language learning Specify what technology resources you use for your projects Using films and other media, make sure that your assignments are geared towards culture/language learning and not as a time filler