BBS-Syke Lower Saxony Germany
where is the town Syke where is Lower Saxony ?
BBS-Syke Lower Saxony Germany what does BBS mean ? Berufsbildende Schulen Syke Vocational Training Center about 3000 students full-time and part-time education about 170 teachers
BBS-Syke Lower Saxony Germany One offer of the BBS-Syke is the „Two years vocational school for social pedagogy” the conditions for the first year: junior high or a secondary school graduation the conditions for the second year: 1) the graduation of the first year 2) junior high or secondary school graduation and a vocational education graduation after 3 years vocational education in a relevant profession 3) or the entrance qualification for a college or university
BBS-Syke Lower Saxony Germany One offer of the BBS-Syke is the „Two years vocational school for social pedagogy” you finish with the titel: State-approved social assistent with the main focus on social pedagogy :
BBS-Syke Lower Saxony Germany State-approved social assistent with the main focus on social pedagogy : social assistents find work in: kindergarten, day-care centers, official youth clubs, children´s homes, residental accomodations for young people, residental accomodations for disabled persons ……….
BBS-Syke Lower Saxony Germany State-approved social assistent with the main focus on social pedagogy : different subjects and special offers 30 hours class / week in the first year 18 hours class + 16 hours practical training in kindergarten /week in the second year music, singing, do-it-yourself course, computer-tecnics
BBS-Syke Lower Saxony Germany the next step : Two years Vocational training for educators The condition is the qualification from a two years vocational school for social pedagogy with minimum satisfying and better results. different subjects and special offers 30 hours class / week + 8 weeks practical training in different institutions – kindergarten ….