Basic Structure of the Educational System in Saxony (Federal Republic of Germany)
Basic structure of the educational system in Saxony
Kindergarten (Pre-school) offered for all children at the age of 3 to 6 by parent‘s own choice important: cooperation between parents and primary school
Primary school compulsory school for all children at the age of 6 extend over a period of 4 years (form 1 to 4) subjects: German, general studies (local history, science, biology, traffic education…) Maths, Art, English, PE, Handicrafts, Religion, Ethics no marks the first year of school by parent‘s choice children visiting the after school care center
Secondary school form 11 to 16 years provides an extensive general education secondary school certificate obtained on completion of form 10 includes lower secondary level (Hauptschule) offers a basic general education (comprises form 5 to 9)
Grammar school provides an in-depth general education (form 5 to 12) aimed a higher education entrance qualifaction concluded by the Abitur examination
Special-needs school established for pupils whose developement cannot be assisted at mainstream schools adaquatly depends on account of disability, for example: physically handicapped pupils mentally handicapped pupils educationally handicapped pupils speech-impaired children hearing-impaired children socially-emotionally handicapped pupils