Szilvia Meszaros Hungary Moderator. Matthias Vorhauer ESF communication, Saxony, Germany.


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Presentation transcript:

Szilvia Meszaros Hungary Moderator

Matthias Vorhauer ESF communication, Saxony, Germany

Two funds, one strategy 3 Matthias Vorhauer ESF Managing Authority Saxony, Germany Brussels, 9-10 December

4 Seven more years! Brussels, 9-10 December

Joint strategy What do we want?  Great communication!  A basis for dealing with –a multitude of ESF and ERDF programs, –target groups, –and communication situations. 5 Brussels, 9-10 December

Joint strategy Why do we want it?  To do our job in the best possible way: –Promoting the regional programs –Promoting the output of EU-funding  Pulling together resources for the big plans  Work once instead of doing things twice 6 Brussels, 9-10 December

Joint strategy How do we get it?  Ignorance and confidence  Partner up  KISS 7 Brussels, 9-10 December

From zero to hero?  Beginning of process in 2012  Assessment: experiences, papers, workshops  Partner: private communication agency as coach/sparring partner/moderator 8 Brussels, 9-10 December

Content is king  Strategy as framework for annual action plans  Level 1: key objectives, target groups, messages  Level 2: communication channels/tools according to key objectives  Three qualitative principles: –Activities are connected, no isolated events –Snowball effect: activities create additional communication opportunities –Create one or two highlights each year 9 Brussels, 9-10 December

State of play  First draft being checked with confirmed regulation  In 2014: involving –many players in administration, stakeholders –the members of the monitoring committee  As soon as operational programms have green light, proposal/resolution in monitoring committee 10 Brussels, 9-10 December

We shall overcome  No final partnership agreement/operational programs  Consistency/innovation ratio  Structural challenges 11 Brussels, 9-10 December

In a nutshell  We want to deliver the best communication possible  We've got the tools – or at least we can make some of them  It's all about resources  Get help, involve  Focus on the framework  Keep it simple 12 Brussels, 9-10 December

Please contact: Matthias Vorhauer Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour, and Transport | ESF Managing Authority Wilhelm-Buck-Str. 2 | D Dresden +49 (0) Brussels, 9-10 December


Brussels, 9-10 December

Patrick Wouters & Marianne Schrama Agentschap SZW Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture & Innovation

Preparing a multi-fund communication strategy the Dutch experience Communication strategy ERDF-ESF Patrick Wouters & Marianne Schrama

How it started Many organizations involved in Europe – public (1828) Lack of shared messages Small individual communication activities Expensive and ineffective Separate worlds

So, joining forces Permanent Representation Ministery of Economic Affairs ERDF ESF INTERREG

Goal Reach the general public, wider scope No more waste of energy and money Better results Feeling better

Results so far Circus campaign EU in 2009: –Photo exhibition – Midterm evaluation ERDF in 2010 Europa Kijkdagen (open days) in 2011, 2012 & 2013

Conclusions We understand each other We reinforce and inspire each other We want to continue and enlarge

Strategy Process Content

Process 1 Start from the current situation But… –Different mind sets –Transnational programs cautious

Process 2 Confidence must grow Step by step Willingness to work together

Process 3 ESF & ERDF writing EFF and Rural Development Program closely involved Transnational programs involved in the background

Headlines strategy 1 Target groups defined Core message defined Goals for communication vary by stage of the new period Possibilities for cooperation vary by stage of the new period as well

Headlines strategy 2 Co-operate where possible Respect and room for differences Projects are the key Other funds are welcome

Current situation Strategy finished Operational program managers ERDF and ESF agreed

Further steps Apply strategy on OP’s, year plans and activities Continue cooperation: – –Europa om de hoek Kijkdagen (open days) Expand cooperation: - joint activities - develop formats - single webportal

Lessons learned Check assumptions Mutual trust is the basis Write together Give the process and the partners time Cooperation is an opportunity, not a threat

Questions ? Ministry of Economic Affairs Marianne Schrama Agentschap SZW Patrick Wouters

Brussels, 9-10 December PPT

Brussels, 9-10 December