INTROUDCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Julia Brown Project Manager Waste Research Management & Training Centre C/o Scientific Research Council
OBJECTIVES OF TRAINING IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Provides a general awareness in Environmental Management Provide an exposure to EMS (ISO 14001) Provide an exposure to Cleaner Production strategies & benefits Identify areas of inefficiency in operation Identify solutions to inefficiencies Develop a Cleaner Production Schedule Implement Cleaner Production within operation
TRENDS IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Background related areas (ISO norms) What are the responsibilities of leaders? How does this affect the industry?
Regulations and Control Prevention Clients and interested parts + Strategy and sustainability TRENDS IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
National Regulations International and Commercial Treaties Voluntary Standards + Competitive initiatives TRENDS IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
Environmental Management Scheme Mandatory Voluntary National Regulations Modernize the Regulations Global Standards (2000+) National International
Why are the sustainable enterprises able to survive? With little exceptions the most competitive enterprices have more management programs, Their management programs create a competitive advantage, They have recognized the advantages of a systematic process like the ones based on
14000 norms: The norm is focused on management systems, not on technical requirements ISO is based on a model of continuos improvement, It is recognized by an international certification system, The system can result in commercial and economical benefits
The ISO model Environmental policy Continuous improvement Environmental planning Implementation and control Inspection, measurement and corrective action Management review
Environmental management system and Cleaner Production A management system creates the opportunity for a cleaner production application, The economical benefits can be obtained with the cleaner production, One without the other is not sustainable.
What are the economic benefits? Energy, water and raw material Wastes desposit Process and procedures Financing Product responsibility Economic Value Added Environmental Management System Reduction of costs : Flexibility in prices Relationship with clients Competitive and strategic positioning Access to the maket Increase in services Increase of income :
Reduction of costs to increase value Concept and design of product Opportunity to improvement Cost of improvement System approach Production process Design of process Deposition of wastes Remediation Control Zone Prevention Zone
Reduction of costs to develop value added The cost of a failure in Environmental Quality Training Mantainance Better process Design of products External communication Prevention x $1 Inspection and monitoring Reports Calibration Discovery x $10 Waste of materials Treatment and control Productive space Time Internal error x $100 Consultancy fees Remediation Loss of clients Relationship with the community External error x $1000 System Approach
Costs of a system for ISO Time Of the committee Of the personnel Of the management Systems and materials Other costs
Costs / Benefits of a System Costs Benefits Systems Regulations Time Market Direct Efficiency
Why ISO 14001? Gives a systematic method to: Identify and reach environmental priorities It compliment regulations Applies cleaner technologies to: Save money Gives commercial advantages This applies in the same way to big companies and SMEs