CCR Content & Preparation Tools Rodney Ripberger CCR & PN Compliance Officer CTAB DOW DEP
Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) CCR Rule requires all community water systems to prepare and distribute a annual water quality report containing information on the water systems’ (WS): – Water Source – Detected regulated contaminants – Compliance Regulations: – Federal Regulations 40 CFR – – State Regulations 401 KAR 8:075
CCR Contents Required water system information – Telephone number for contact person – Information on public participation opportunities – Alternative language if system determines that a significant proportion of non-English speaking consumers Information on water systems – Type of water sources: surface water or ground water source, common name & general location of water sources. If WS purchases water, the name of the system from which they purchase – Water source assessment information WS must include a summary of the systems’ susceptibility to potential sources of contamination
CCR Definitions & Health Effects Language Maximum Containment Level (MCL) Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level (MRDL) Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal (MRDLG) Treatment Techniques (TT) Action Level (AL) Immuno-compromised paragraph Lead language
Health Effects Language Immuno-compromised paragraph – Immuno – compromised persons such as persons with cancer under going chemo-therapy, persons who undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune systems disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk for infections. These people should advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline ( )
Health Effects Language Lead language – If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. [Name of Utility] is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing the your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the safe Drinking Water Hotline or at
Additional Required Explanations and Language Information on sources of drinking water for Tap and bottled water Contaminants that may be present in source water EPA regulations explanations on contents and limits of contamination in drinking water
CCR Data Table Regulated Contaminants with Detected Values – Contaminants detected during CY or most recent testing – Descriptions of likely source of contaminants listed in table – Highest level of contaminant used to determine compliance MCL, MCLG,MRDL, MRDLG & TT – Microbial Testing (Bac-Ts): MCL Must list the highest number detected or percentage
CCR Data Table Total Organic Carbon (TOCs) – Including Treatment Technique (TT) Turbidity: highest reading and the lowest monthly % of samples meeting turbidity limits. – Including Treatment Technique (TT)
CCR Violation Statements All Violations received for the year must be listed – Must include: Contaminant(s) Date(s) when the violation(s) occurred Any health effects associated with the violation How the violation was resolved or remedial measures preformed How the violation is to be prevented in the future
Online Tools for CCR Preparation CCR iWriter is a free online tool that can be used to create a regulation compliant CCR – The CCR iWriter is a tutorial that walks you through step by step in preparing a CCR – Drinking Water Watch is a public access drinking water database that lists sample results, violations, and etc that is updated weekly –
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System Information
Population & Water Sources
Water Sources
Consecutive System?
Regulated Detected Contaminants
Unregulated Contaminants & Violations Additional Contaminants (Unregulated) Significant Deficiency (GWR) Crytosporidium & Radon Monitoring Voluntary Monitoring (Unregulated) Compliance with other rules ( Violations) – Treatment Technique/MCL/Tier II – Monitoring and Reporting Variances and Exemptions N/A in KY
Report Options Optional Water Conservation Tips Optional Source Water Protection Tips Optional Cross Connection Survey Optional Water Treatment Description Optional Additional information from Water System – Allows WSs to add information on equipment updates, employees, procedures and etc.
Create Report & Mandatory Language Section: Do I need to take special precautions? – Required Health Language (Provided) Section: Where does my water come from? – Required water source type whether ground or surface and the water source name and general location
Create Report & Mandatory Language Section: Source water assessment and its availability – A brief summary of potential sources of contamination and susceptibility and availability of the report Example: There are potential sources of contamination to our raw water source: roads, agriculture runoff from fertilizers and possible gas spills from gas stations Please stop by our office for a full report at…
Create Report & Mandatory Language Section: Why are there contaminants in my drinking water? – Required contaminant explanation (Provided) Section: How can I get involved? – Example : Public Meeting held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6 pm located at 123 Water rd in the water plant office.
Create Report & Mandatory Language Section: Monitoring and reporting violations – Must list all violations received and when they occurred – Explanation of the violation and when it happened – How it was resolved or how it will avoided in the future
Create Report & Mandatory Language Additional Information for Lead – Required Lead Language (Provided)
iWriter CCR Example Alternative Language Immuno- compromised paragraph Type of water sources Water source assessment information
iWriter CCR Example Contaminants Explanation EPA regulations explanations
iWriter CCR Example Public Participation Opportunities Compliance / Violations Lead Language Most Recent Testing Statement
Detected Contaminant Allowable Limits Report Levels &Date Tested Violation Contamination Source
iWriter CCR Example Definitions Contact/Water System Information
CCR Distribution Methods Direct Delivery – Electronic Delivery (eCCR) – Mail – Mailing Waiver – Hand Delivery Good Faith Efforts (GFE) – Posting in public places – Delivery multiple copies single bill customers
Top Issues for the 2013 CCR eCCR notification on back of bills not easily found or is buried in pamphlet or newspaper. Proof of eCCR notification not submitted to DOW On the eCCR certification, distribution method not indicated On the eCCR certification, dates are not listed for distribution methods
Top Reoccurring CCR Issues On the eCCR certification, URL address is missing or not complete Distribution of CCR was eCCR, but was indicated on the certification it was mailed No proof of GFE or GFE not indicated on the certification Dead or incorrect URL listed on certification and/or on notification
Top Reoccurring CCR Issues Blanks and non-detects in the CCR data table Pb and Cu 90ths reported incorrectly Total coliform or E.coli detects missing UCMR language missing Missing Hard copy of CCR from CCR packet mailed in for compliance PN certification not submitted for PN in CCRs