Senior Community Service Employment Program Warren J. McKeon
What Is SCSEP? Administered by DOL Serves low income 55+ Part-time community service Transition to unsubsidized employment
Objectives Useful part-time activities Economic self-sufficiency Increase work opportunities
Grantee Types State National
Annual State Coordination Plan Submitted by the governor All grantees work together to address Needs Localities and populations WIA coordination
Enrollee Eligibility Age Income Residence
Definition of Family Two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together. Husband, wife and dependent children. Parent or guardian and dependent children. Husband and wife. Includes related sub-family members.
Income Wages and salary Self-employment income Unemployment compensation Social security benefits including SSDI Pensions Dividends or interest Veterans’ payments
Income Cont’d Alimony, insurance annuities Gambling and lottery winnings Rents, royalties estates & trusts Educational assistance Financial assistance from outside the household (excludes gifts)
Not Income Capital gains Gifts Lump-sum inheritances or insurance payments Disability payments, except SSDI Worker’s compensation
Not Income Child support Tax refunds SCSEP earnings of another family member
Types of Expenditures Enrollee costs Other enrollee costs Administrative costs Matching funds
Enrollee Costs Enrollee wages Fringe benefits
Other Enrollee Costs Staff costs Support services Training Intake, orientation IEP development Transportation Incidentals
Administration Payroll preparation Personnel Procurement Accounting Financial management
Matching Funds 10% non federal fund requirement Allowable activities Not required for 502 (e) grants
Cash Match Grantee Third-party
In-kind Match Not paid by grantee or sub-grantee Personnel services Space Services Valuation
Match Exclusions Federal funds Used as match for other programs Used for construction/purchase of facilities Source is program income
Reporting AMR AMR-OC
NCOA Recipients Appalachian Agency for Sr. Citizens. League of Older Americans. City of Alexandria, Office of Employment Training. Arlington Agency on Aging. Fairfax Area Agency on Aging. Prince William Area Agency on Aging. Sr. Services of Southeastern Virginia.
Accrued Expenditures DOL requirement. Sub-recipient accrued expenditures. Accrued expense column on worksheet.
Final Report Due on August 2nd. All obligations need to be liquidated by this date (No accrued expenditures).
Performance Accountability Results Enhanced Program performance Continuous Improvement
Measures Number served Number served with the greatest need Community services provided Placement Retention
Measures Cont’d Enrollee satisfaction Employer satisfaction Host Agency satisfaction Earnings increase
Data Collection National data collection and reporting system Participant form Community service assignment form Exit form Unsubsidized employment form
Data Collection Data is reported directly to DOL by sub- grantee. VDA will receive reports from DOL. NCOA has received permission to use its own system and NCOA recipients will enter data into the NCOA system.
Surveys Enrollees Host Agencies Employers
Summary Enrollee pool is smaller Increased intensive placement effort Accountability Increased work without increased funding
Exercise 1 A. An accrual B. Obligation C. An expenditure D. As match E. None of the above
Exercise 2 A. Are enrollee costs B. Are other enrollee costs C. Are administration D. Need to be allocated E. None of the above