Overview of Services
The Alliance protects the rights of abused and neglected children and youth by providing free legal services and advocacy. We assist caregivers and relatives seeking information and advice about legal issues affecting children and youth living in out-of-home care. Programs include: Foster Care Adoption Probate Legal Guardianship Education & Early Intervention Public Benefits Healthcare NextStep for Transition-Age Youth *Spanish speakers are available Who We Are
The Alliance staff includes lawyers, social workers, a public health nurse, advocates and volunteers who understand prevailing laws and regulations affecting children and families. We work to ensure children have stable homes, healthcare and the education they need to thrive. We also work to create system-wide change for foster youth through public policy reform.
Foster Care Adoption The Alliance finalizes almost one-third of all Los Angeles County foster care adoptions, utilizing hundreds of pro bono attorneys. The Alliance initiated National Adoption Day in 2000, working with the courts and other agencies. Now every state in the country participates in National Adoption Day in November.
Probate Legal Guardianship Without legal guardianship many caregivers experience barriers obtaining services and benefits. Probate legal guardianship gives legal authority to individuals caring for children who are not their own. Provides individual representation through in-house and pro bono attorneys Assists parents with a life-threatening or terminal illness obtain joint guardianship for their children.
Healthcare Our program secures vital resources and services by overcoming legal barriers and allowing caregivers to provide basic necessities and address medical and mental health needs. This work, includes: Medical consent issues Minor consent services Medi-Cal eligibility and treatment denials Medi-Cal coverage to age 26 through the Affordable Care Act Eligibility for other health-related programs, ex. Healthy Way LA
Public Benefits Foster children are entitled to some form of financial assistance. The Alliance assists caregivers, obtain appropriate benefits for the children in their care, including: Foster Care Benefits/Specialized Care Rates CalWORKs KinGAP Rates depend on the child’s relationship to the caregiver and how they came to live with the caregiver.
Education & Early Intervention Our Saltz Family Early Intervention Advocacy Center obtains assessments and early intervention services for foster children ages 0-5, who are at high risk for delays. Nearly one-half of foster children have learning disabilities or developmental delays and need special education services. We provide direct advocacy at Individual Program meetings. Bridges to the Future advocates for foster teens to stay in their school of origin and track down their partial credits to graduate on time.
NextStep for Transition -Age Youth We assist current and former foster youth who are aging out of foster care through legal education and direct advocacy. This work, includes: High school graduation and higher education Medi-Cal/Healthy Way LA Identity theft and consumer smarts Housing Employment Education Mentoring Extended foster care until age 21 Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Trainings The Alliance staff provides training on laws and regulations affecting children in out-of-home care. Topics include: Medical Consent and Minor Consent Laws Overview of the Foster Care System Supplement Security Income (SSI) Extended Foster Care (Fostering Connections/AB12) Special Education & Early Intervention Probate Legal Guardianship Foster Care Adoption Public Benefits
Legal Advocacy Through litigation and legislative reform, the Alliance promotes the protocols and practices that are in the best interest of children in out-of-home care. The Alliance works on behalf of individual clients, as well as addressing systemic problems.
Assistance from the Alliance Contact the Alliance directly to inquire about services. An intake worker will be happy to speak to you Kids-alliance.org I