Partecipants: Anna Bergami Andrea Piastra Margherita Piraccini
Introduction( what about Simulimpresa). Aims. Organizational plot. Activities of every day. Conclusion.
What is Simulimpresa ? It is a program with the purpose to teach students about administrative, commercial and industrial sector thanks to a simulated work experience. “”schedule,behaviour,organization, division of labour,teamwork….”
What are the goals? Simulimpresa shows new ideas of business management. Every student has a own task which can learn. Students must know real responsabilities.
International Network AIM Relationship within the others Virtual Firms. Analyze some questionnaires. Skype conversations with other universities. Correspondence with other Virtual Enterprise.
Each Professor is the leader of a unit. Every unit has own tasks, own characteristics and it is composed by three students.
Activities of every day DAY 1 We have sent several s to: Arman Kashkeev, our colleagues of the University of International Business of Kazakhstan regarding who we are, our targets, our schedule and finally we have asked to join us into virtual enterprise project. Robertas Riepsas, our colleagues of the University of International Business of Lithuania regarding who we are, our targets, our schedule and finally we have bought two printers.
Activities of every day DAY 2 We have showed off our list of products to “Dream Sport” (a Perting srl partner ). We have written two different type of questionnaires: OPEN QUESTION CLOSED QUESTION
Activities of every day DAY 3 International network team has made the first videoconference with Mrs Alilya Kairhanova, the responsible teacher of Virtual enterprise project for the University of International Business of Kazakhstan. I.N. has produced a report about the conversation.
Activities of every day DAY 4 Kazakhistan o Presentations and general informations about Perting srl. o Official trade with Lithuania with an invoice model. o Explaination of Second Life platform and invite them to partecipate at Seminars about Resilience with their avatar. Lithuania
Activities of every day DAY 5 Resilience Conference
WHAT WE HAVE LEARNT The opinions of foreign students about Virtual Enterprise Project thanks to the questionnaires elaboration. All the methods and manners that allow the trade office to sell products. Improving the teamwork skill.