Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Authentic Learning Technology Applications Desktop Publishing Standards. Desktop Publishing Standards. Motivating Environments. Building a community of learners. As it relates to:
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Desktop Publishing: Offers many learning opportunities for students. Can be used to create products for school and community. Allows for students and teachers to learn together. Authentic Learning Emphasizes Real-World Projects
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life TEKS list 8 high school technology application courses. Desktop publishing is one of these courses. The TEA* and TA CED** web sites provide additional information and are listed in the Featured Links. The Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills *Texas Education Agency **Technology Applications Center for Educator Development
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Authentic Learning Environments The standards for the Desktop Publishing course have been written so that the experiences in the class can be authentic. Many of the knowledge and skills learned in this class can be used in other high school and college courses as well as in the workforce.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Requirements Every high school student Texas must take at least one of the Technology Applications course in order to graduate. The possible courses include: Computer Science. Desktop Publishing. Digital Graphics/Animation. Multimedia. Video Technology. Web Mastering.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Highlights from the Desktop Publishing TEKS Applying basic page design elements. Distinguishing design requirements for audience, purpose and product. Designing master pages and styles to ease repetitive tasks. Using decorative text such as drop caps and pull-out quotes. Working with a print shop. The TEKS for the Desktop Publishing course are available from TEA or Technology Applications CED linked within Resources.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life In a Desktop Publishing class students can create products for: Themselves. Teachers in the schools. Organizations and clubs in the school. Special events for school and communities. Businesses in the community.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Possible products from the desktop publishing class. The Technology Applications CED web site includes sample course outlines and assignments. See the Resources page. The Technology Applications CED web site includes sample course outlines and assignments. See the Resources page. Business cards NotepadsPrograms Letterhead stationery Magazine covers AdvertisementsMaps Book jackets CD or video covers MenusStationaryNewsletters Greeting cards PamphletsBrochuresInvitations
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Motivating Environments Authentic Learning has been defined as “Real work for a real audience.” In this educational approach, students solve problems using similar tools to those of the professional. See Authentic Learning in the Resources.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Authentic Learning promotes higher level thinking skills and cross-discipline projects rather than single subject “book knowledge.” Authentic Learning promotes higher level thinking skills and cross-discipline projects rather than single subject “book knowledge.”
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life In authentic learning students start a project armed with the tools to find information and to learn skills needed to solve the problem. The problem sometimes changes as the students investigate and create solutions. Authentic Learning is a process
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Technology can aid authentic learning in many ways: Information Acquisition Solving Problems Communications These are 3 of 4 stands constant across all Technology Applications TEKS.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Information Acquisition Information and graphics used in products created in the Desktop Publishing class can come from a variety of sources. Allowing students to choose content within parameters can create a more motivating environment.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Copyright Laws: Whether using existing information and graphics or creating their own, students need to be aware of copyright laws. Take the Copyright Quiz in the Resources. Additional copyright and fair use links can be found in the Supporting Materials. C Information Acquisition
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Solving Problems In Desktop Publishing students develop skills in formatting and manipulating text and graphics for print. They also learn: How to import graphics from a variety of sources. How to share information electronically.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life As students work together on projects they learn to: Collaborate as a group. Resolve information conflicts. Give and respond to advice from peers. from peers. Solving Problems
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life The knowledge and skills gained in the Desktop Publishing course can transfer to other classes and real world tasks. The assigned tasks can also reach beyond the school walls. Beyond Classroom Walls
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Communication Students take pride in creating well-designed documents that can have real-world uses. Excited students create a motivating environment. Listen as the students describe how their products are used.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life The Desktop Publishing class also teaches how to develop design skills for better communication. The product is designed with the audience and media in mind. This affects the uses of: Communication The Technology Applications CED has a list of resources for teaching and learning Desktop Publishing and design. and learning Desktop Publishing and design. The link is in the Resources.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Desktop publishing courses can also include project management skills and evaluation techniques. These skills can motivate students’ learning and can be used in real-life situations. Project Management
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Building a Community of Learners A Community of Learners implies that everyone has something to learn and each has something to share. See Community of Learners in the Resources.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life In a world of ever changing technology, teachers need to join the Community of Learners and continue to grow along with their students. Life Long Learners
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life As they developed the new course, leaders at the school district in the video consulted with other school districts and with industry. Everyone was invited into the Community of Learners. Building a Community of Learners
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life When developing a Community of Learners, you can include any of the following: Students. Students from another class/grade levels. Other teachers in your school. Teachers in other schools. Parents. Local businesses. Experts in the field.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Often a student or group will become an expert in one skill or task. One teaching strategy to use with a Community of Learners is: List and divide the skills to be learned. Assign an individual/group to research and practice a single skill to become the expert on a topic. The individual/group then becomes a resource person(s) on that topic as the class completes the project.
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life The knowledge and skills listed in the Desktop Publishing TEKS and learned in the class have real world applications. Many classes across Texas and the other states create products that are used in the school, community and local business. Real World Applications
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Students can learn real-world skills such as research, teamwork, problem solving, communication and design. Such skills are vital in a productive work force. Beyond Computer Skills
Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Desktop Publishing: Learning for Life Authentic Learning Environments within the Desktop Publishing class can encourage motivated learning and acquisition of skills that will be valuable learning for life.