SALGADOSN.WEEBLY.COM If you haven’t yet, Please Read Información de la Clase and fill out form (ex. Below) Lesson plans posted on class website which includes assigned homework, worksheets, etc. This is where your child comes when he/she misses class or needs details for an assignment, etc. (ex. Below)
Spanish III and Pre-AP and Spanish V Literature Sra. Salgado Tutoring hours for Fall and Spring Semester: By appointment Tuesday and Thurs. 8:30 am - 8:50 am Tuesday and Thurs. 4:20 pm - 4:50 pm I am in my room both before and after school, but students must let me know ahead of time that they are coming. address : Class website: website can also be accessed from
HOW TO SUCCEED IN SPANISH 1.Review the material daily for minutes. 2.Practice the vocabulary or dialogues orally. 3.Personalize the language. Use Spanish to express information familiar to you. 4.Request extra help when needed. 5.Read and listen to news broadcasts in Spanish on TV or the internet and in Spanish newspapers and magazines. 6.Buy a Spanish-English dictionary. Recommended: 1”-1 1/2” thick 7.Stay organized, Check lesson plan everyday before coming to class, inmediately after being absent, and use time management. 8.Join a study group. 9.Come to class prepared. 10.Electronic Devices are not allowed for personal use during instructional time. Cell phones disrupt the learning environment, must be turned off or set to vibrate during class and put away. 11.Check out websites in Spanish. Useful websites for tutorials:
ELECTRONICS POLICY AND CONSEQUENCES All electronic devices will be collected at the beginning of the block and returned by the end of the block. Teacher will let class know when electronics can be used and will distribute devices back to each student for an instructional activity only. When electronic devices are being used for instructional purposes first time electronic device is misused (texting, ing, games, pictures, other websites etc.) device will be picked up and given at the end of class. Student will sign an acknowledgement of misuse of electronics during class time. This acknowledgement will be kept on file. When electronic devices are being used for instructional purposes second time electronic device is misused (texting, ing, games, pictures, other websites etc.) device will be picked up and turned into main office. Student will sign an acknowledgement of misuse of electronics during class time and understands that phone can be picked up from the main office. The teacher will turn it into the office after 4:30pm before 5:00pm. This acknowledgement will be kept on file. Third offense will result in device being confiscated and turned into the office. The teacher will turn it into the office after 4:30pm before 5:00pm. Parent can pick up device after TWO days and $15 fee will be assessed. Referral will also be written. Subsequent offenses will result in a confiscation, written referral and parent conference.
Cambios y Desafíos Globales La Belleza y la Estética La Ciencia y la Tecnología La Personalidad Privada y Pública La Familia y la Comunidad La Vida Contemporánea High School LOTE Big Ideas
COMMON CONCERNS OF PARENTS How can I keep up with my student’s progress in Spanish class? Check their planbook daily. I have prepared a calendar with all outside assignments, quiz dates and project due dates. Please be proactive and check the calendar on a daily basis to make sure that your student has the work prepared for the following day. If you wait to get a progress report from me, it is too late for late work to be turned in.
My child says that they don’t understand because you speak in Spanish all of the time. Students need to watch me as I am speaking. I will use gestures, pictures, charts, cognates, etc. to reinforce what I am saying and what they need to say in certain situations. You taught them English that way, but they were too young to remember. When are you available to help students? I am available By appointment Tuesday and Thurs. 8:30 am - 8:45 am Tuesday and Thurs. 4:20 pm - 4:50 pm Is there any extra credit available? In order to receive extra credit, students need to be caught up with daily practice assignments and projects. Then Teacher decides about extra credit.
CLASS INFORMATION Thank you for sending supplies for the classroom (look on class info page in the website). Still in need of white out, color pencils, and color paper to make copies (no construction paper) TEACHER WISHLIST: Colored paper (bright colors) - students will like having their handout pages and warmup calendars on colored paper so easy to locate in binder/backpack, whiteout, headphones (even better with mic.) Make-Up Work for Excused Absences: A student will be given 2 school days for every one day of school that is missed in order to make up the assignment. Work assigned prior to the first day of absence is due the day the student returns to class. Any quizzes or tests missed during your absence must be made up during tutorials within one week after return. Work can be found online at salgadosn.weebly.com and if an online homework was assigned, on Edmodo. Late Work Policy: All late work will incur a 20 point deduction each block day. By 3rd block day max grade is 50. Retakes: Per departmental and district policy, a student may retake any quiz and the listening/reading part of the six weeks exam. This must be done after 24 hours and within a (calendar) week of the quiz during tutorials or FIT. When teacher gives the same quiz/exam, the student must justify the new answers given. The teacher also has the option of giving a different second quiz/exam (that still assesses the same objectives). The teacher will assign the higher grade of the two to the student. There are NO retakes on projects so quality work is expected the first time.
WHERE TO TURN IN HOMEWORK (TAREA)? EDMODO WILL BE USED TO TURN IN PROJECTS AND SPECIFIC HOMEWORK MOST OF THE TIME. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR STUDENT HAS AN EDMODO ACCOUNT. Paperless and easy to turn in! Parents: You child can get parent code when logged in and give that to you. Go to Edmodo and click "I'm Parent" and fill out info and enter parent code and you will be able to see assignments, homework grades, etc. Your child gives you this Code Assignment with due date. Student clicks “Turn in” button, uploads image or document and clicks “Submit” Any of these websites can be accessible by computer or smartphone making the homework readily available!
I am from Puerto Rico Who am I?
MY EDUCATION Alma Mater University of Puerto Rico Bachelors and Masters Degrees Georgetown University DC TX State University (to become a teacher ) Certified in Bilingual Edu., ESL, Secondary Spanish