Communication and Culture Sub-Concept/Topics: Theme: A birthday party Conceptual Lens: Communication and Culture Sub-Concept/Topics: Celebrations and activities *Quinceañera * El papel picado The verb TENER *Ages *Possession Family *Spanish royal family Possession * DE *Possessive adjectives Diminutives *ITO
LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL Our 21st Century Goals: Communication and collaboration: Critical thinking and problem solving: NJCCCS: WL Standards: 7.1.NH.A.1,2,3,5,6 *Interpretive 7.1. NH.B.1,2,3,4,5 *Interpersonal 7.1. NM.C.3,4,5 *Presentational 7.1. NH.C.3
LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL Essential / Driving Questions How do Spanish-speakers describe themselves and their families? What are some of the similarities and differences in Spanish-speaking families compared to that of the U.S? How are celebrations of the U.S. similar / different to the celebrations of Spanish-speaking countries? What is the importance of a “Quinceañera?”
LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL SYMBALOO We have decided to utilize Symbaloo, which is an online visual bookmark organizer. It’s a faster way for students to access chapter resources, teaching tools, student resources, and favorite websites. It can also be used to aide and to reinforce lessons learned in the classroom.
“Una Fiesta de Cumpleaños” LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL Overview: “Una Fiesta de Cumpleaños” Entry 1 Introduce Vocabulary PowerPoint with use of visual aids TPR (Total Physical Response) Flashcards Information gap activity (Student A & B) Worksheet: Define terms, create flashcards Workbook practice such as Quia & other practice games
LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL Developing 2-3 Introduce the students to our SYMBALOO website. Instruct them on how to access the website through our E-BOARD and demonstrate how each category has been organized by color coding. Show the students the activities, videos, info gap activities, review games, PowerPoints and support documents we have created and researched. Allow students to work in groups through a kinesthetic activity (Communicative activity)
LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL Approaching 4-5 ¿Quién soy? PROJECT The goal is to have effective communication in the Spanish language. Students will use technology such as Audacity to create a recording about themselves, their family members using the vocabulary, adjectives, the verb “tener” to talk about ages as well as the use of possessive adjectives. Another option would be to use VOKI to create an Avatar that will represent themselves.
LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL Continuation: We will play the recordings to the class and the students will listen to and comprehend in Spanish in order to guess who the speaker is. Once the speaker is identified, the student will stand up and introduce him/herself to the class in the target language to practice using the language and work on their pronunciation. At the end, students will reflect on their experience. They will let us, the Teachers know what they would like to improve over the course of the MP; whether is their listening comprehension skills, their pronunciation, noun and adjective agreement, fluency and vocabulary, etc.
LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL Ideal/target 6-7 Through the peer-revision process, students will utilize critical thinking skills to identify and critique mistakes in each other’s work. At the end of each peer-revision phase and at the end of the overall projects, students were encouraged to reflect on their performance and the feedback given by their peers in order to set goals to work on improving specific speaking /writing skills over the course of marking period.
LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL You will be graded according to the following Holistic Speaking Rubric: Rubric 1 2 3 4 Task Completion Minimal completion and/or responses frequently inappropriate Partial completion, response mostly appropriate yet underdeveloped Completion, response appropriate and adequately developed Superior completion, response appropriate with elaborations Vocabulary Limited vocabulary, frequent English forced interpretation Limited vocabulary marked with some English Adequate use of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions Extensive use of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions Fluency Speech halting, uneven, w/ long pauses or incomplete thoughts Speech choppy, slow w/ frequent pauses, few/no incomplete thoughts Some hesitation but with complete, continuous thoughts Speech continuous with few or no pauses or stumbling Pronunciation / Comprehensibility Errors in intonation and pronunciation that interfere with listener’s comprehension Errors in intonation, pronunciation with heavy accent, mostly comprehensible, requiring interpretation by the listener Acceptable intonation and pronunciation with distinctive accent, comprehensible, requiring minimal interpretation by listener Good intonation and largely accurate pronunciation with slight accent, readily comprehensible, no interpretation by listener Grammar Inadequate and/or inaccurate use, serious grammatical errors Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use and too basic for this level, emerging use of basic structures Adequate and accurate use for this level, emerging control of basic structures, some attempts at more complicated structures Rich use/control of basic language structures, strong attempts at more complicated structures
LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL Score your partner using the following Holistic Speaking / Writing Rubric: Rubric 1 2 3 4 Task Completion Minimal completion and/or content frequently inappropriate Partial completion, content mostly appropriate yet ideas are underdeveloped Completion, content appropriate and ideas adequately developed Superior completion, content appropriate, ideas well-developed and organized Vocabulary Limited vocabulary, inadequate and/or inaccurate Limited vocabulary, somewhat inadequate, too basic for this level Adequate use of vocabulary, accurate for this level Extensive use of vocabulary, accurate Mechanics Inaccurate spelling and use of diacritical marks Somewhat accurate spelling and use of diacritical marks Mostly accurate spelling and use of diacritical marks Few or no errors in spelling and use of diacritical marks Comprehensibility / Level of Discourse Barely comprehensible, fragments, repetitive sentences Mostly comprehensible, requiring interpretation by the reader, complete sentences, some repetitive, few cohesive devices Comprehensible, minimal interpretation by reader, some variety of sentences, some cohesive devices Readily comprehensible, no interpretation by reader, variety of complete sentences, cohesive devices Grammar Inaccurate use of basic structures, serious grammatical errors Emerging use of basic structures, too simple for this level Emerging control of basic structures, some attempts at more complicated structures Control of basic language structures, strong attempts at more complicated structures