Finding God in Narnia 5 th Grade Bible Series WCA
C.S. Lewis Born in Belfast, Ireland on November 29, 1898 His family lived comfortably and peacefully in a large house called “Little Lea” The house was characterized by narrow passages and overgrown gardens The family library was crammed with books, two of Lewis’ favorites were Treasure Island and The Secret Garden
C.S. Lewis When he was ten years old, Lewis and his brother were sent to a boarding school in England after the death of their mother Lewis was able to return to Ireland in 1910 During his teenage years he developed a love for poetry and modern languages He studied at Oxford, fought in World War I, and eventually came back to teach at Magdalene College in Oxford Lewis published his first major work, The Pilgrim’s Regress in 1933 which described his journey to the Christian faith
C.S. Lewis’ Narnia Chronicles Lewis turned from a career of writing to an adult audience to writing children’s books Many of Lewis’ literary friends, including Tolkien, thought that writing children’s books would hurt his reputation Lewis published the first Narnia book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in 1950 He wrote six more Narnia books and published the last one The Last Battle, in 1956 The Narnia series has since sold 100 million copies and is among the most beloved books of classical children’s literature
Interesting Facts As a child, Lewis made up stories about a place he called “animal land” Lewis said that pictures came into his mind and he wrote about them The actual wardrobe on which Lewis based his stories is now kept at the Wade Center at Wheaton College in Chicago, Illinois The first draft of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe contained no mention of Aslan During World War II, four children stayed in Lewis’ home Pauline Baynes, one of the illustrators for the Chronicles of Narnia, created approximately 350 drawings for the Chronicles Text: Col. 1:28
Chapter 1 Lucy Looks Into the Wardrobe
Lesson 1 – “Using Wisdom” Text: ____________ There’s more to it! Jn. 7:24 _________-learning and understanding p x Lucy says that it is a foolish thing to shut oneself into a wardrobe! Where does wisdom begin? Prov. 1:7 _________ Romans 11: His wisdom is _______! Col. 2:2-3- Christ is the _____ to all wisdom!
Lesson 2- “Use the Lamp” Text: Ps. _________ What does the Scripture call a lamp? _____ Who is the Light? Jn. 8:12, I Jn. 1:5-7 Who should be the world’s light? Matt. 5:14-16 How do we use it? Prov. 2:1 Are u in the dark?
Chapter 2 What Lucy Found There
Lesson 3- “Be Careful” Text: Psalm 34:17 Why? I Peter 5:8, Jer. 9:8b How should we walk? Eph. 5:15, II Cor. 5:7 ______________ Who can we pattern our walk after? I Peter 1: ________________ Ps. 119:86, 40:1-3 Application: The Lord is with those that love Him! So be careful!
Lesson 4- “Our Natural Nature” Text: II Cor. 7:10 Where did it come from? Gen. 3:20 ______ How do we solve it? Rom. 5:12-19 True __________- Joel 2:12-13, Ps 51 Acknowledgment- Turning- God’s Graciousness It’s Hard- Ps. 38:4 Acts 3:19- Why Wait?
Chapter 3 Edmund and the Wardrobe
Lesson 5- Where’s the Love? Text: Col. 3:12 Why should we love? I John 4:11,19 __________ How far should it go? I Jn. 3:16-18 ___________ Edmund’s lack of Wisdom? p. 30 Edmund’s lack of Love? P , 30, 32 Prov. 11:10, 17:19, 18:21 White Witch- cold and dead-No love! It’s ________- John 13:34-35 Lucy wasn’t believed, Neither was _____-Jn.7:3-5
Chapter 4 Turkish Delight
Lesson 6- “Pure Delight” Text: I Jn. 3:7 The Process of “Delight” (__________)? James 1:14-15 How are they so good at it? Rom. 16:18 How should we handle so called “delight”? James 4:7 ______________ Zeph. 3:17, Is. 61:10 His Delight- Ps. 37:4
Lesson 7- Deadly Delight Text: Romans 5:12- Death by Sin Why do we deserve death? Romans 5:8 ________ What is at the end of sin? _______- Rom. 6:21-23 What can we have over death? I Cor. 15:51-58 God holds the what over death? Rev. 1:18 ______ What should we be until we die? Rev. 2:10 ___________ Death in the future will be nonexistent!- Rev. 21:4 We can’t be pulled in and confused like Edmund!
Chapter 5 Back On This Side Of The Door
Lesson 8-Sticking to the Truth Text: Romans 1:16(-17) What is true? Something that is not _____! What did Christ say? Jn. 15:1, 17:3 What did Paul say? II Tim 1:12 What must we do? Heb. 10:22-23, I Tim. 1:19 __________________ Lucy was not going to change her story no matter what! Neither can we! What’s the truth of the ______? II Cor. 5:21
Into the Forest Chapter 6
Lesson 9- “Put it on!” Text: Ephesians 4:22-32 Just like their coats, we need to put on: –Speaking the ______ and _____ (v. 25, 29) –________ anger that doesn’t hurt God (v. 26, 30) –No sin and a non-hateful ______! (v.27, 31) Why? –(v. 32) Christ has _________ us! –There is a job to do! (I Tim. 4:16) The children had a large task ahead!
Lesson 10- “But, they…” Text: Matt. 5:38-44 Being on both sides of ___________ is part of being a Christian. Benefit- Prov. 28:13 Why? Eph. 4:32 ____________ How many times? Luke 17:3-4 What does it bring? Col. 3:12-14 _________
Chapter 7 A Day With The Beavers
Lesson 11- Precious Name Text: Philippians 2:9-11 Christ’s name is either a _______ or a _________! –Righteous- Deut. 28:58, Ps. 8:1, 113:3, Is. 26:8 –Wicked- Is. 64:2, Ps 139:20, Is. 52:5 The Beavers had waited for this day! (p. 78) So had ________- Luke 2:29-30 It is a __________ name- Acts 3:6, 16 It should be stood up for!- John 18:4-6
Chapter 8 What Happened After Dinner
Lesson 12- Incredible Name Text: Isaiah 40:28 Many names- Rev. 19:16, 5:5, Luke 22:69 Incredible ___________ foretold about this name: (p ) –Set wrong to right- Is. 61:1 –End sorrow and __________- Is. 65:19, Rev. 21:4 –________ the devil- Ps. 110:1, I Jn 3:8 –Bring ______ life- John 10:10, Is. 55:12 We need to tell others about this incredible name! (Is. 9:6)
Lesson 13- Powerful Name Text: Phil. 2:9-11 We cannot understand His _______- Rom. 11:33-34 The White Witch has no power over Aslan- _______ has no power over God.- Luke 10:17, Mark 3:11, James 2:19 That Powerful Name is coming! –Micah 5:2, Isa. 9:6-7, Matt. 12:18-21
Lesson 14- Comforting Name Text: Jer.29:11 LWW- p. 86 “Is He- quite safe?” asked Lucy. Fear that is ___________- Ps. 19:11, 111:10 Who runs to Him? Prov. 18:10 __________ Who will run away? Prov. 1:7 __________ Ex.:Israel (Deut. 5:29), Abraham (Gen. 22:12) Is it fair? Of course! It’s all God’s!(Ps. 24:1), He’s Righteous (145:17) No, God is not safe, but we are safe in His care!
Chapter 9 In the Witch’s House
Lesson 15-Lighten Up! Text: I John 1:7 You would think that Edmund would figure things out (pgs )- Rom. 8:5-7 Why doesn’t he see the light? John 3:20, II Peter 2:19 ____________ He knows but just can’t do right! Prov. 28:14, Rom 2:5 (p. 97) (p. 106) Fortunate or not? Jn.8:44 Mt. 4:8-9, I Peter 5:8
Lesson 16-Don’t choose the wrong Path! Text: II Cor. 7:10 Consider Mr. Tumnus (p vs. Edmund (p ) Can you see the Path? What does the wrong path bring? Ps. 38:4, II Cor. 7:10 ____________ What does that path want? Gen. 4:7 How do we change paths? II Tim. 2:22-26 We always have a ________!- Acts 3:19
Chapter 10 The Spell Begins To Break
Lesson 17-Come on! Text: Is. 52:7 Who gives thought to what they do? Prov. 14:15 What’s the Bible say about those that rush? Prov. 19:2 ________________ How should we come and go? Eph. 5:15, II Cor. 5:7 ________________ The Beavers are careful about what they do. Are you? Father Christmas came to prepare the way for Aslan! Who came to prepare others for Christ? Luke 2:1-20 ___________
Lesson 18- “Tools not Toys” Text: Ephesians 6:10-18 LWW pages Battle gear that is a gift! What gear do we have as Christians? Eph. 6:10-18 _________________ Why do we need it? v.10 We can’t all have swords! I Cor. 12 Find your _____ or _______ and do it the best that you can, for His glory!
Chapter 11 Aslan is Nearer
Lesson 19-How it really is! Text: Ps. 5:9 LWW pg Edmund’s disappointment Remember the Process of “Delight” (temptation)? James 1:14-15 p Edmund’s change of attitude What should our attitude be like? Phil. 2:4, I Jn. 4:7, Rom. 12:15, Prov. 28:14 ___________ Application: Sin doesn’t bring us the reward it promises!
Lesson 20- Seeing the Good God in Everything Text: I Jn. 3:8 LWW p. 131 Wonderful things are happening! Jesus appeared to destroy the devil! I Jn. 3:8 We should celebrate God’s __________- Ps. 98, Rev. 15:3-4 When should we have joy? James 1:2 _________ Who gives this joy? Gal. 5:22 The joy of pressing on!- Phil. 3:14 Application: To see a good God, looks at His perfect Son! Phil. 2:6
Chapter 12 Peter’s First Battle
Lesson 21- Courage in Battle Text: Joshua 1:9 LWW pgs It was Peter’s Turn! When do we have courage the most? Heb. 13:6 When we know someone bigger is with us! What should be our response? Ps. 27:1-3 ___________ What do we know deep down? Isa. 12:2 Application: We must learn to be strong and courageous, _________________!
Chapter 13 Deep Magic From The Dawn Of Time
Lesson 22- Guilty, but Forgiven Text: Ps. 51:4 LWW p Aslan is not talking about Edmund’s past! Isa. 43:18 What does God do with our Sin? Isa. 43:25 __________________ How should we respond? PS. 105:4, 34:5 We like Edmund are ___________- Rom. 2:12, 6:3, Heb 9:22 Application: Sin cannot be overlooked, it must be paid for!
Chapter 14 The Triumph of the Witch
Lesson 23- The Substitute Text: Isa. 53 Aslan does not resist them- Isa. 53:7, Matt. 26:62, 27:13 The creatures cruelly abused Aslan. Matt. 27:67 The plucked out his _______.- Is. 50:6-7 They gave Him a _____________- Matt. 27:29 They _________ Him- Matt. 27:29-30 Hope was not lost- He had another purpose- Jn 12:23, 27 Application: Jesus, like Aslan for Narnia, took the punishment in our place!
Lesson 23- continued Other scriptures on Christ’s suffering and sacrifice: –I Jn 4:10 –I Peter 2:21-25 Just as Susan and Lucy stayed and watched, who in the Bible did the same thing? Matt. 27:55-56, Mark 15:40 Are u going to stick around?
Lesson 24- The Atoning Work of Christ Text: Is. 53:5 The girls cared for Aslan- John 19:38. Mark 16:1- 2 Aslan talks about The Deep Magic- Wisdom- I Cor. 2:6-8, I Peter 2:22-24 What has happened to death? I Cor. 15:54 He _________ His work- Mt. 27:52, I Pet. 3:19 Application: _______ is not the end of the story! Heb 9:14
Chapter 16 What Happened About The Statues
Lesson 25- Joy through New Life Text: Isaiah 61:1-2 Aslan “sets wrong to right”- Is. 61:1-2 Aslan leads others into battle- Is. 31:4. 42:13 Evil cannot triumph, ______ belongs to God! We can still have ____ even though we have a battle!- Eph. 6:11-12 Ps. 16:11, 66:1-4, 126:1-3
Chapter 17 The Hunting of the White Stag
Lesson 26-The Glory That Awaits US Text: James 1:12 Edmund was a changed man!-Ez. 36:26 Glory comes with doing things we don’t want to do- Lucy- John 14:15, Rom 10:11 Aslan provides food- Matt. 14:15-21 Aslan comes and goes- John 10:16, Matt.28:9 ______ Glory- I Pet. 2:9, II Cor. 3:18, Rev. 22:1-5 Application: We can’t even begin to imagine the joy God has in store for us!
Book Application Edmund fell under the sin of the Witch through pride and greed and deserved death.(Rom. 3:23, 6:23) He needed the only one that could save him— Aslan- I Jn. 3:16 Aslan suffered for Edmund and reversed the curse- Jn. 3:16 Aslan was able to set Narnia free- I Cor. 15:55-57
What will u do with Him? Will you thank Him for His sacrifice? Will you give Him you love and our life in return? Edmund’s salvation came at a great price— So did ours and mine!
Bibliography Ditchfield, Christin. A Family Guide to The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Good News Publishers, Bruner, Kurt, and Ware, Jim. Finding God in the Land of Narnia. Tyndale House Publishers, 2005.