“It’s Like Miracle Grow for the Brain”
Watch this Video: Exercise and Learning 1) Summarize the video in 7-9 sentences. 2) Describe three benefits of exercise as Dr. James Ratey explains. 3) What type of physical education /activity classes are recommended? 4) What does it mean to be “ready to learn”? 5) What country is considered to be the most advanced with this concept? And what are they doing? 6) What are your personal thoughts on less exercise and more classroom time? Where have we been and where are we going?
Read this Article: A Workout for Your Brain After reading the above article answer the following questions: 1. What is the function of mitochondria? 2. How are brain cells fueled by mitochondria? 3. Summarize the study and the results of the study. What does this mean to you? How Exercise Can Strengthen the Brain
Read this Article: Work Your Muscles, Work Your Brain After reading the above article answer the following questions: 1. Summarize the first study and the results in7-9 sentences.. 2. What is BDNF? 3. Summarize the second study? Why did they use rats? 4. What were the findings of the pilot study? How Exercise Benefits the Brain
Read this Article: Keeping Your Brain Fit After reading the above article answer the following questions: 1. Summarize the article in 5-7 sentences. 2. Share the findings of this article with an older adult, what are their thoughts on the results? List the name of the adult. (4-5 sentences) How Exercise Can Keep the Brain Fit
Watch this Video: Boost Your Brain Power After watching the above video, answer the following questions: 1. What steps are some teachers taking to change up the activity in the classroom? List at least three different techniques. 2. What does plasticity mean? and how does it affect your brain and its ability to learn? 3. List three other benefits of exercise besides the improved cognitive aspects. Brain Function and Exercise