HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Biology 2010 – Fall 2013 James F. Thompson, Ph.D.
Office: Sundquist SC B210 Office Hours: M-W-F 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM and By Appointment Phone: Web Page:
HUMAN A & P OBJECTIVES Must be taken with 2011 Designed for students in health and human performance, psychology, nursing, and allied health programs. Build your scientific vocabulary Learn how the body is designed and how the body functions (A&P)
Required Texts Marieb, E. N. & Hoehn, K. (2013) Human Anatomy & Physiology Volume 1: Custom Edition for Austin Peay State University. Marieb, E.N. & Mitchell S.J. (2013) Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual Volume 1: Second Custom Edition for Austin Peay State University.
Attendance Required - Be sure to sign the roll sheet each class period. Punctuality will be appreciated. Any material missed will be the responsibility of the student. It is the student’s responsibility to report absences and the reasons for any absences, before the fact when possible, when they occur. No one may be present in the classroom or lab who is not enrolled in the course.
Academic and Classroom Misconduct Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately at all times. Academic and classroom misconduct will not be tolerated. Students must read the Code of Student Conduct in the new Student Handbook for an understanding of what will be expected of them within the academic setting. Any use of electronic devices during examinations will be considered as cheating and such use will warrant an F in the course.
Electronic Devices All beepers, cell phones, iPods and other electronic media and communication devices must be turned to silent or off during class. You may have a laptop computer in class, but if so, it may only be used for purposes associated with the course. No other computing activities are permitted. They are disruptive to the lecture and to the learning process for your fellow students. [Contact Dr. T. (privately) if someone disturbs you and Dr. T. will deal with it.]
Students with Disabilities Visit the Coordinator of Disability Services if you a disability that may affect your academic performance ( , details in syllabus) It’s better to visit the Coordinator sooner, rather than later!
Communication with Dr. T. Please ask questions whenever you have any problems with the material of the course If you need extra help or have a question outside of class, please send me an or make a phone call or an appointment with me.
Grading Lecture Grade = numerical average of 5 scheduled examinations The only opportunity to earn extra points in lecture is by taking the optional Extra Lecture Exams (T.B.A.) Lecture Exams include at least 10% additional “bonus points” Lab Grade (Dr. T.) = homework assignments (33.3%), and 2 practical examinations (33.3% each) The final exams are not comprehensive
Make-up exams Make-up exams are permitted for only those students with excused absences It is the student's obligation to arrange for make-up exams within 48 hours Make-up exams will not receive the benefit of bonus points Failure "to be prepared" is not a valid excuse
How to Succeed! Prepare Before Each Class Period Read the Assigned Chapter before it is discussed in class. If you cannot read the text before class, then you should at least inspect the figures. If you cannot read the text before class, then you should at least inspect the on-line PowerPoint presentations. Take advantage of all the additional support materials available to you
How to Succeed! Prepare for the Examinations Read the Assigned Chapters well before the day of the exam. Review the exam review guides on Dr. Thompson’s web site. Review learning materials such as Interactive Physiology Ask questions of me in or outside of class if you need assistance in understanding the material. Do not ask me “What will be on the exam?” The exam questions will be selected from the exam review guides found on-line.exam review guides
How to Succeed! Be courteous to your classmates No talking among yourselves which disturbs other students You may interrupt me to ask a question at any time – raise your hand You are welcome to seek additional help from me outside of class You should take advantage of all the additional support materials available to you
Success Sections If your section number ends with an “S” you are enrolled in a “Success” section You are REQUIRED to attend the S meeting sections each Monday Your Student Learning Assistant is Melissa Hoeffler Wirth The success sections are designed to increase your chance of successfully passing A&P!
Use the Web Resources Dr. Thompson’s Web Site Let’s take a look at Dr. T’s Web Site Mastering A&P MAPPITTS40963 (for Lecture only) Students often find the additional MasteringAandP resources helpful. A card containing your individual access code is included with your bundled text and lab manual. MAPPITTS40963 (Lecture Only!)
MasteringAandP You use your access code to enroll in the appropriate MasteringAandP (MAP) lecture and lab course and, from then on, use the course ID each time you enter MAP. Your lecture course ID, that allows you to enroll in the correct 2010 lecture MAP ( section. Go to the study area of MAP to use its resources.
Using the Web Resources If you have difficulty accessing the various web resources, please let me know. You are not to use the computers and printers in the A&P labs to print out copies of the A&P PowerPoint presentations and other A&P review materials. You may print them at APSU student computer labs – be sure to print in such a way as to conserve paper.
Don’t Lose Your Way You can be successful in this course by using only the textbook, the lab manual, and the materials bundled with them All the extra material is available, but don’t get lost in it Spend some time studying for A&P each day and each week
Don’t Lose Your Way You cannot cram for an A&P exam! Warning: Exam dates are closer than they appear!
To Be Ready for A&P Lab Read the assignment in your Lab Manual prior to attending that week’s lab. Bring your Lab manual to every Lab; you may also want to refer to your textbook during labs.
Welcome to A&P Any Questions?
Welcome to A&P Let’s Begin With Chapter One The Human Body: An Orientation