Six-word Memoir: What is it? “Legend has it that Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response? “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” In November 2006, SMITH Magazine re-ignited the recountre by asking our readers for their own Six-Word Memoirs. They sent in short life stories in droves, from the bittersweet (“Cursed with cancer, blessed with friends”) and poignant (“I still make coffee for two”) to the inspirational (“Business school? Bah! Pop music? Hurrah)…” (Smith Magazine) Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for
Six-word Memoir: Examples Most Suggestive: “Not losing hair. Finding it everywhere.” Worst Free Vacation: “I’m on an all- expenses-paid guilt-trip.” Scariest Transition: “Adulthood snuck up and yelled, “Boo.” Best Wordplay: “I procrastinate; therefore, I do not.” Most Touching Narrative Arc: “Even ugly ducklings learn to fly.” (Smith Magazine, Best Six-Worders of the Week, 8/24/12) Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for
Writing a Six-word Memoir: How To In order to narrow down a life into six words, you need to begin with many. Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for
Start with a list List as many words as you can about yourself – things you do, things you like, feelings you have. Don’t edit, cross out, change, or rewrite anything. Don’t worry about spelling – just write. You are going for quantity, so write as much as you can in about five minutes. Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for
My list Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for teacher, wife, mother, tired, overworked, inspired, playful, handbags, dreams, aardvarks, reading, traveling, cooking, surfing, lamps, Kate Spade, laughing, cartoons, 70s, rock music, country, classical, Mouse, snowy days, old movies, singing, grading, lessons, super hero, Not so Smart phone, sleeping late, Starbucks, dancing, California dreaming, friends, NCIS, more handbags, sunrises, stolen moments, daughter, VT, thinking, remembering
Now, circle the two or three words that stand out for you, the ones that you could say more about.
My list Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for teacher, wife, mother, tired, overworked, inspired, colorful, shoes, dreams, aardvarks, reading, traveling, cooking, surfing, lamps, Kate Spade, laughing, cartoons, 70s, rock music, country, classical, Mouse, snowy days, old movies, singing, grading, lessons, super heroes, Not so Smart phone, sleeping late, Starbucks, dancing, California dreaming, friends, NCIS, more shoes, sunrises, mother, daughter, VT, thinking, remembering
Pick one item and freewrite about it. That means you just start writing about that idea, object, role, or event. The only rule is don’t stop writing for at least two minutes. Whatever comes to mind is fair game. mother
I’ve been a mother for almost 22 years and have one daughter. I have learned that being a parent is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. Kids don’t come with instruction books. Being a parent is “on the job training.” As tough as it is has been it has also brought me the greatest joy in my life. There is something magical, spiritual and amazing in being a “mom.” From those very first moments of examining 10 fingers and 10 toes, to first words, always My Freewrite
“Da, Da” to sleepless nights of worry with a high temperature, cool baths and frantic calls to the doctor. Time passes so quickly it seems like just yesterday I was holding her in my arms. Then life seems like it is on fast forward, driver’s license, mentorship, graduation, independence, emptiness, loneliness, joy, pride, exasperation, hoping, praying, dreaming, wishing… Freewrite cont.
Synthesize Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for Now that you have a sense of your topic, synthesize it into a phrase that captures the essence of what your topic means to you. My topic is “mother.” My idea is that being a parent is tough, but rewarding and that time passes too quickly.
My phrase... Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for Getting it right before too late.
Now it’s your turn. Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for 1.Create a “you” list – fill the page. 2.Pick 2 – 3 items that inspire you to say more. 3.From those items you circled, select one. 4.Freewrite about it for at least five minutes. 5.Develop a 6-word phrase that captures a sense of your writing. 6.Tell your story.