Leonardo da Vinci By Anthony Masanes
About Leonardo da Vinci was born on April, 1452, in Vinci Italy. He knew how to sculpt, paint and invent things. He is widely known to be the greatest painters of all time. His most famous art is the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. The Last Supper is known to be the most religious painting of all time.
Mona Lisa The Mona Lisa is popular because of her smile. often described as being enigmatic. her half-smile has puzzled people from Sigmund Freud and Harvard professors to countless observers. Since its completion around 1519, the painting has always been highly regarded. It was owned by France's kings and emperors before finally settling into the Louvre.
Leonardo’s Struggle Growing up Leonardo’s schooling was basic and followed the traditional educational teachings of the time. This lack of higher education was apparent in his struggle to understand Latin. Many classical documents were written in Latin, and it was with a source frustration that he had to resort to reading translations of scientific subjects rather than the original papers.
Leonardo’s uprising Leonardo got his start as an artist around 1469, when his father apprenticed him to the fabled workshop of Verocchio. Verocchio's specialty was perspective, which artists had only recently begun to get the hang of, and Leonardo quickly mastered its challenges. In fact, Leonardo quickly surpassed Verocchio, and by the time he was in his early twenties he was downright famous.
An Inspirational man Leonardo Da Vinci is a inspirational person, he kept putting his talent to use by learning more things than just art. One thing also famous and well known like the Mona Lisa is his notebook that was also ahead of his times. Inside that notebook he drew visions of the aeroplane, helicopter, the parachute, the submarine and the car. It was until more than 300years before many of his ideas were improved on.
Homage This is my Homage I made, of Leonado Da Vicni’s art called “The Baptism of Christ”. I changed it by covering it with a filter in Photoshop.
Reflection Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the best artists in the world because of the Mona Lisa. I learned that he was a talented man with many gifts of learning new things. He grew up learning basic schooling but yet became one of the most smartest men in his time. He looked toward the future and planned out things that no one has thought of in his time, such as airplanes and cars. He is an artists that today we would consider legendary. One day I would like to go to the Louvre Museum to visit the painting that was around for generations so I can recognize the true meaning of art.
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