8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March 2007 1 Capacity Building for Better Nutrition in Africa The Case of the Applied Nutrition Programme.


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Presentation transcript:

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March Capacity Building for Better Nutrition in Africa The Case of the Applied Nutrition Programme (ANP), University of Nairobi, Kenya Mwangi A.M. Applied Nutrition Programme University of Nairobi

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March Background Teaching and development research oriented programme Core business is production of high quality multidisciplinary trained nutritionists through degree programmes Been involved in research and development of prototype intervention designs

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March Background 1985 – Inception – following 1979 recommendations of Fact finding mission of 6 experts from UNU, ACC/SCN to four African Countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Tanzania AIM: improve nutrition training, policy and performance for sustained development through production of high quality multidisciplinary trained nutritionists

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March Main Objective Provide participants with abilities to: Assess nutritional problems from a multidisciplinary point of view Suggest and work out realistic and feasible intervention measures addressing identified priority problems Conceptualize, design and implement studies, analyze data and write the results in form of research communication

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March The Experience For >decade, ANP benefited from both substantial and small funding input from various development partners: governments of Germany, The Netherlands, Canada and Denmark the USAID UNU, Sight & Life and UNICEF mainly for infrastructure and human capacity development In the interface from too much dependency on donor funding: commissioned assignments brought more resources to ANP GTZ, DAAD, German Foundation for International Development and the UNU provided scholarships the university & government provided scholarships & salaries

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March The Experience To date, UNU remains a valued scholarship source especially for non-Kenyan ANP MSc. Students (a maximum of 3 per year) DAAD also funds some students – without research funds UON – funds one or two outstanding former graduates

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March The Experience Government – funds some of own employees from MOH, MOA, MOE ANP also has benefited from the Ellison Medical Fund (EMF) – currently 3 Kenyan PhD fellows have received funding

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March Output A total 209 people trained at MSc. level of which: 67% - Kenyan 26.5% - Other EA countries and the Horn of Africa 4.6% - Central, Western and Southern Africa 2% - Other parts of the world including the North. High quality nutritionists as output – holding key positions But, trends in registration – decreasing

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March CountryYear of Registration and number of students registered% 85/8687/8889/9091/9293/9495/9697/9899/0001/0202/0303/0404/0505/0606/07Total Kenya Tanzania Uganda Ethiopia Sudan Somalia Malawi Zambia Zimbabwe Ghana Rwanda DRC Sweden Netherlands Brazil N. Zealand Total %

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March Challenges Funding deficits are the template for most challenges – scholarships, staffing, teaching facilities etc Highly qualified and well exposed staff – an asset as well as a threat Collaboration with other institutions Curriculum reviews and improvement Poor access to journals and other literature ICT gaps Retraining of trainers and development workers Research funding

8/16/201534th SCN Meeting, Rome 25th Feb to 1st March Coping strategies Privatizing university programmes Introducing other IGA e.g. provision of services to the community at a fee Introduction of short courses for development workers at a fee However, better linkages and networking with other institutions are required.