Research Techniques Jack Warwick
Types of Research
Quantitative Research Quantitative data is data that can be measured numerically and precisely. Examples The temperature is an example as you can measure it but in different units like Celsius or Fahrenheit. The length of a road could be measured in different distances such as kilometres and miles. The weight of a baby or a person is measured in kilos, pounds and stones.
Qualitative Research Qualitative data is descriptive data that is harder to analyse than quantitative data. Examples An oil painting can be an example because they have a variety of colours, they show different textures and they show different images. Another example is a Latte as it has a strong taste and a variety of different sizes as well as different coloured cups. The final example is transport as there are several varieties of transport like cars and buses and there are a variety of colours for them.
Methods and Sources of Research
Primary Research Primary research is research that has been carried out by yourself. Examples Questionnaires are pieces of data that you collect if you create questions for people to answer. Interviews are sort of verbal questionnaires. You ask people questions and the interviewees will answer them. Observations are where you write down findings and sightings that are relevant to what you are looking for.
Secondary Research Secondary research is where you collect data from other sources. Examples Newspapers are an example of secondary research as they give information of the FTSE 100 and they also show sports tables and music charts. A census is also an example because it examines large scale trends of where people have lived. Reports are also an example because they are historical documents.
Data-Gathering Agencies Data-Gathering agencies are individual, organisations that have access to sources of information and the capability of collecting information from them. Examples BARB or Broadcasters Audience Research Board collects information that compiles television ratings. Human Source Intelligence collects, processes and analyses data that has been collected by humans. The National Security Agency is responsible for collecting, processing and reporting their data to the Signals Intelligence.
Self-Generated Self-Generated research is when you provide research by your own merits. It becomes self-generated when are looking back at your own produced content for your own purposes. Examples If you create a video which will become research when you look at the different shots and camera angles. If you create your own photography collection and you look at the different colours and camera angles then that becomes research. If you create your own music then it will become research when you research elements of your music track.
Purposes of Research
Audience Research Audience research is communication research that is the study of people who watch a particular television programme or film. Examples Internet forums is an example of audience research as fans discuss what they hope from a film. Focus groups are another example as people discuss a new product, like a television film, before it is launched. Audience surveys can also be an example because people can collect data, like a questionnaire, on who watches a specific show.
Market Research Market research is the action of gathering information about consumers needs and preferences. Examples Defining the problem can be an example of market research if there is a problem with the product. Collecting the data is an example of market research because you could get opinions on the product through surveys or interviews. Preparing a report is an example of market research because you could state the problems of the product and then give solutions of how to solve the problems.
Production Research Production research is the collection and analysis of information for the content and production of a media product. Examples Advertising is an example of production research as if you advertised a product on a billboard it will get noticed, or it could have a website for the product. Content is also an important example because it will find out things like the budget for the product and the location of where the product will be made. Viability is another example because it involves researching skills, and the timescale for how long it will take to make the product.
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