Preliminary Workshop Guidelines
Purpose of Guidelines The Preliminary Workshop Guidelines seek to provide the city representative with guidelines for planning for a Preliminary Workshop. The Preliminary Workshop is an important milestone as it is the first time that a diversity of people are bought together to explore the opportunity of your city becoming a UN Global Compact member city.
The purpose of the workshop The purpose of the Workshop is to provide a forum for you to: Introduce the UN Global Compact Cities Programme to interested stakeholders in your city Discuss how your city may benefit from engaging in the UN Global Compact Cities Programme. Outline the requirements, expectations and outcomes for member cities. Identify potential issues present in your city that may be appropriate to tackle as a potential project that involves decision-makers from private, Government and civil sectors.
Why is the workshop important? The Preliminary Workshop is important to undertake if your city is considering engaging in the Cities Programme, as it will: Produce a ‘neutral’ space for initial discussion. Draw on all sectors for generating solutions (government, business and civil society). Provide opportunity to frame an approach to an issue of mutual interest to all stakeholders. Outline the ‘next steps’ of the engagement framework to potential stakeholders and their likely roles and responsibilities. Gain a collective understanding as to how your city will proceed.
Proposed Workshop Agenda The City representative is the nominated facilitator for the Preliminary Workshop. The City representative may choose to engage an independent facilitator. Recommended Agenda items include: Introduction to the UN Global Compact Cities Programme Summary of city’s recent activities with the International Secretariat. Outline Engagement process and requirements to confirm member city status. Present potential topics/issues that may form the basis of a project (group discussion). Create an initial list of individuals / organizations to be the In-Country Convenor and or involved in the Local Secretariat /Working Group. Confirm Next Steps in the Process of Engagement.
Workshop Preparation - 6 key steps 1.Identify a suitable location to hold the workshop 2.Invite participants from all sectors (use Invitation template) 3.Facilitate all sector taskforces 4.Present UN Global Compact Cities Programme and member cities. 5.Discuss ideas and identify a potential all sector project for your city 6.Post Workshop - submit feedback and ‘Statement of Understanding’ to the International Secretariat.
1 Identify a ‘neutral space’ Identify a neutral space to host the Workshop to engage all sectors. Where can the workshop be held? Town Hall Government department (e.g. local, state, federal) University or research centre Non-profit organisation Business UN agency (if discussed and agreed by all parties)
2 Invite participants from all sectors Examples of selected issues SocialEconomicEnvironmental housing urban planning waste management climate change traffic safety Relevance to Government Relevance to Business Relevance to Civil Society Increasing social demands and welfare costs if the issue is not addressed Degrading quality of life Impacts reduce business opportunities, markets, productivity or profitability
2b Who can participate? The most relevant and motivated people in relation to the selected issue Civil society Non-profit organisations Community centres Academia Media UN agencies Individuals Business Private companies Consultancies Individuals Government Any department Local State Federal Individuals Representatives from all sectors MUST be engaged in the workshop
3 Facilitate Workshop Communications and marketing materials Guidelines for Cities Programme member city representatives Cities Programme brochures PowerPoint presentations to introduce the programme to participants Template invitations to local events and activities relating to the Cities Programme Website materials Media kit to increase the international marketing profile of member cities
4 Previous single-sector initiatives Previous single-sector initiatives failed to resolve urban issues as each sector tended to focus on a particular area of interest: GovernmentBusiness Non-profits UN agencies Public policy Corporate citizenship Assistance and Philanthropy Aid and development Issues are ongoing
4 Cities Programme Creates a neutral space for decision makers to approach the issue. Public agencies ISSUE RESOLVED and ALL SECTORS BENEFIT Private enterprises Civil society
Member cities worldwide OceaniaAsiaEuropeAfricaSouth America North America Melbourne* Australia Jinan China Le Havre France Tshwane South Africa Porto Alegre Brazil San Francisco USA Jamshedpur India Nuremburg Germany Kawasaki Japan Berlin Germany As-Salt Jordan Plock Poland Ulaanbaatar Mongolia * International Secretariat, Melbourne, Australia
5 Discuss ideas for an all sector project At this stage of the Workshop, it is important to progress the discussion to thinking about a potential project that your city may explore. This helps to shape people’s thoughts and helps to turn ideas into outcomes. Projects need to be: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-bound Use ‘The Statement of Understanding’ template to guide the discussion.
6 Post Workshop After the Workshop, the city representative must summarize the outcomes and complete The Statement of Understanding. This is available on the website and must be sent to the International Secretariat, as evidence of your Workshop. The city representative will communicate with the International Secretariat to ensure all required information is required as part of the city’s submission.
Tips When planning your workshop, it is important to consider: Duration of Workshop (should be no longer than 2 hours) Plan a small break (15 minutes) into your Agenda Consider the scheduling – when would most people be able to attend? (day/night) Make the outcomes of the Workshop clear in the invitation. Provide background information to participants with the invitation/prior to the Workshop.
UN Global Compact – Cities Programme International Secretariat Global Cities Institute at RMIT University GPO Box 2476V Melbourne Vic 3001 AUSTRALIA Telephone: Facsimile: Website: