By Jarrett Graumenz Southeast Native Americans
Type of Home Their cone-shaped winter houses were made from a frame of wood and insulated with clay and mud. Their summer houses were rectangular structures with gabled roofs of grass left open on the sides to allow air to circulate.
Transportation They traveled by foot and horse and canoes. Canoes were made in different sizes. The largest canoe could carry a family. The smallest one was used for spear fishing.
Food They grew corn, squash, and beans along with pumpkin, melons, sunflowers, tobacco, and other crops. Also they hunted deer and turkey. The woman made sure that they planted enough crops to provide food for two years.
Weapons/Tools/Crafts They made blowguns, bows and arrows, animal traps, nets to catch fish, and spears. They made spears out of a rock made into a arrowhead and a strong tree branch.
Customs/Beliefs The Cherokee worshipped the Deer God. They told him,”We only kill what is needed to feed our families, and we are sorry.”
The New Word That I Learned The new word that I learned is dwelling. Dwelling means a building or place or shelter to live in.