Marijuana By: Ethan Smedley, and Ryan Sorrrells
Type of Drug Marijuana is NOT a stimulant, but is a depressant, and is said to make your body “see” things that aren’t there, making it a hallucinogen as well.
Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Montana, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Illinois, Michigan, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine have had Marijuana legalized for Medical purposes. Colorado and Washington state have had Marijuana legalized for both medical and recreational use. All other states have had Marijuana listed as illegal.
Actual name: Cannibas Nick Names: Marijuana (most common) Pot Weed Grass Ganja Skun Hashish/Charas Bhang Hash Oil Reefer Herb Boom Blubbers Gangster
Marijuana/Cannabis can be inhaled through: Cigarette -- Dried marijuana buds/leaves are rolled into a cigarette, also known as a joint. Cigar -- Slice open a cigar, remove the tobacco and refill it with marijuana leaves/buds. Mostly known as a blunt. Pipe -- Tobacco pipes are also used to smoke marijuana/cannabis. Bong -- Water pipes, typically with a long tube rising out of a bowl- shaped base, trap smoke until it's inhaled, raising the amount of THC ( Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol) taken in. Marijuana/Cannabis can be ingested through: Brownies – Cooked with leaves inside. Tea – Crushed leaves will be brewed as tea.
Effects to look for from taking Marijuana: Rapid heart rate Increased blood pressure Increased rate of breathing Red eyes Dry mouth Increased appetite, or "the munchies“ Slowed reaction time
Dangers Scientists believe that use of Pot might cause lung cancer. One in 12 Pot smokers can feel withdrawal symptoms if they can't get high when they want to. Among heavy pot smokers, the rates of dependence are higher. Can die from over dosage and maybe lung cancer.
Interesting Facts Gemma Moss, 31, and a devoted Christian died after an overdose of smoking a joint in her bedroom. Lived in Bournemouth, England. A nationwide survey made public found that 7.3% of Americans 12 or older regularly used marijuana in 2012, up from 7% in Nearly 24 million Americans, about 9.2% of the population, use illicit drugs.
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