M9 U3 Reading Learning aims: 1.Know about national flags and the history and cultures behind them. 2.Understand some difficult sentences.


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Presentation transcript:

M9 U3 Reading Learning aims: 1.Know about national flags and the history and cultures behind them. 2.Understand some difficult sentences.

National flags Every independent country has its own flag.

Canada Germanythe UK AustraliaBrazil South Korea


Structure of the article part 1 ( 1 ) an ___________ to the topic part 2 ( 2-9 ) ___________________ part 3 ( 10 ) ___________________ introduction Conclusion Examples Fast reading

match France USA Indonesia

Detailed reading Red bravery, revolution, strength and blood of the French Blue liberty and justice White peace and honesty These colours remind us of__________________ ______________________________________ the motto of the French Revolution - liberty, equality and fraternity the French flag ( )

Why do we call the French flag one of the most important national flags in history? because it has a great influence on other countries. many countries use the same colours on their flags as the French did.

Which of the following is true of the French Revolution? A. It was won with little blood B. It helped the French get equality. C. It helped France become independent. D. It even influenced the countries in Asia. France

the USA flag ( 5 -7 ) Red strength and bravery White virtue Blue hard work and justice 50 stars — 50 states, one for each state 13 stripes — the original 13 states the stars and stripes

The USA flag History1) Originally __________ by Britain. 2) The Americans demanded that they be _______________ from Britain. 3) On 4 July 1776, they declared to be _____________. colonized separated independent

The Indonesian flag It is made up of a red band over a white one. redwhite Explanation 1 Explanation 2 Explanation 3 the physical the spiritual sugarrice purity brave nature fire from volcanoes

Meaning of the colours Sometimes colours mean the same thing in various cultures, but they can often mean different things to people from different countries

FranceUSAIndonesia Red White Blue Bravery Revolution Strength Blood Peace Honesty Liberty Justice Strength Bravery virtue Hard work Justice Blood, things that are physical Color of sugar Brave nature Fire from volcanoes The spiritual Rice Purity Similarities and Differences

Difficult sentences

1.Today every independent country has a flag that gives it a unique identity. ( Line 1) 2.A flag tells us something about the country it represents,such as values,beliefs and culture. ( Line 3) 3. The USA was also born from revolution,and its flag,the Stars and Stripes,is a symbol of this. (Line 20) 4. The colours red,white and blue,along with the stars and stripes on the American flag, all represent different things. (Line 31) What do these pronouns refer to?

Important sentences: 1. These flags are more than just pieces of cloth _____ (sew) together at random with thread. (line 2) 1) More than one person ______(know) the truth. Many a famous star ______(have) been ruined by drugs. 2) I am more than satisfied with your performance in the exam. 3) He’s more sad than angry. sewn knows has =very 与其说。。。不如说。。。

2. ________________ (strengthen) by the Revolution, France became a different country.( line 9 ) Strengthened 3. The USA was originally made up of settlers from Britain and other countries, ______________ (organize) into thirteen British colonies.( line 20 ) organized

4. When the Americans objected to this, the British would not compromise, but increased control over their American colonies instead, taking away many of their rights, and stationing soldiers there in order to make sure that the Americans would obey them. ( line 24 )

5. Each year on 4 July, the USA celebrates Independence Day, when the Stars and Stripes can be seen all over the country, ________ (light) by fireworks in the night sky. ( line 35 ) on which lit

6. The flag, which is made up of a red band over a white one, is based on a national flag __________ (date) back to the 13th century, which had nine red and white stripes. (39) dating

1. 不仅仅是 2. 随机 3. 遭受饥饿 4. 导致根本性变革 5. 提醒.../ 使某人想起 向... 表示敬意 7. 用这种方式 8. 原先由... 所组成 9. 尽管 10. 大幅提高税率 Important phrases:

11. 支付战争费用 12. 反对 13. 屈服于英国统治 14. 为独立而战 15. 成为正式 / 官方的 16. 追溯至 基于 与... 有关 19. 被视为纯洁的象征

What do the three flags have in common? France USA Indonesia Red and white are used in all three flags.

Summarise the Article’s main idea Three kinds of national flags are referred to in this article … different colours … different meanings … From the national flags, we have learned … A national flag tells us ---

Do you know the meaning of our national flag? Communist Party Chinese people (four classes): Workers, Peasants Petty Bourgeoisie ( 小资产阶级 ) National Bourgeoisie (民族资产阶级) It was dyed red with martyrs’( 先烈 ) blood

图案设计意义 中国国 旗 中国国旗, 通常叫做五 星红旗,由 红色和五颗 黄色的星星 所组成 红色代表着革命精神,和先烈 们的鲜血和生命。黄色的意义 有两种解释。一种是认为黄色 代表着美好的未来,另一种说 法是黄色表明中国人属于黄种 人。五颗星中最大的一个象征 着中国共产党,而其余四颗则 象征着四大阶级。四个小星围 绕着大星,意味着中国人民团 结在共产党的领导之下。 你对我国国旗设计的看法(用两句话表达你的看法)

some key words: 先烈: martyrs 中国共产党: the CPC

中国国旗,通常叫做五星红旗,由红色和五 颗黄色的星星所组成 The national flag of China is usually called the five-starred red flag, which consists of the color red and five yellow stars.

红色代表着革命精神,和先烈们的 鲜血和生命 The color red represents the spirit of the revolution,and the fresh blood and the lives of revolutionary martyrs as well.

黄色的意义有两种解释。一种是认为黄色代 表着美好的未来,另一种说法是黄色表明中 国人属于黄种人。 There are two explanations offered for the meaning of the color yellow. One is that it symbolizes the promising future of Chinese people. And the other is that the color yellow suggests the Chinese belong to the yellow race.

五颗星中最大的一个象征着中国共产党,而 其余四颗则象征着四大阶级。 The largest star symbolizes the Communist Party of China while the four smaller stars stand for the four classes.

四个小星围绕着大星,意味着中国人民 团结在共产党的领导之下。 With the biggest in the center and four smaller ones around, the five stars show the unity of Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

The national flag of China is usually called the five-starredred flag,which consists of the color red and five yellow stars. The color red represents the spirit of the revolution,and the fresh blood and lives of the revolutionary martyrs as well. For the meaning of the color yellow there are two explanations offered. One is that it symbolizes the promising future of Chinese people. And the other is that the color yellow suggests the Chinese belong to the yellow race.

The largest star symbolizes the Communist Party of China while the four smaller stars stand for the four classes. With the biggest in the center and four smaller ones around, the five stars show the unity of Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.