NACCHO Performance Improvement Technical Assistance Webinar Series April 12, :00 – 3:00 PM ET
2 To ask a question, un-mute your phone… The phone lines have been muted. If you have a question and would like to un-mute your phone, please press STAR (*) 7. After asking your question, press STAR (*) 6 to mute through the ReadyTalk system.
3 Open Q & A You may pose a question by asking it during the Q & A portion of the webinar today or by using the chat function in ReadyTalk, located in the lower left- hand corner of your screen.
4 Today’s Topic: Introduction to Building a Performance Management System Presenters Pooja Verma Program Analyst, Accreditation & Quality Improvement NACCHO (202) Cindan Gizzi Deputy Director Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department (253)
5 Performance Management System Source: Turning Point Performance Management Collaborative, 2003.
6 PHAB Standard 9.1 Use a performance management system to monitor achievement of organizational objectives. Measure 9.1.1: Engage staff at all organizational levels in establishing or updating a performance management system Measure 9.1.2: Implement a performance management system Measure 9.1.3: Use a process to determine and report on achievement of goals, objectives, and measures set by the performance management system Measure 9.1.4: Implement a systematic process for assessing customer satisfaction with health department services Measure 9.1.5: Provide staff development opportunities regarding performance management
7 Questions What is the first step a health department should take when establishing a performance management system and moving from theory to action?
8 Questions PHAB requires goals and objectives with time framed targets from both the agency strategic plan and performance management system. How does an agency strategic plan relate to the performance management system?
9 Performance Management System Source: Turning Point Performance Management Collaborative, 2003.
10 Questions Could you explain the link between performance management and quality improvement? How should the QI plan link to the performance management system?
11 Questions It seems overwhelming to collect data and measure performance on all of the activities in an agency. What are some considerations for selecting and developing performance measures? Do you recommend the use of a particular framework for performance measurement such as Baldrige or Balanced Score Card?
12 Questions How do you turn data and information into useful knowledge that will drive improvement and ultimately result in greater efficiency and effectiveness?
13 Using Performance Measures Identify and agree what matters Collect the right information Learn and improve performance Strategy mapping Outcome, output, and performance measure definitions Internal and external stakeholder assessment Performance measure design template Key performance questions Performance measure decision framework Building blocks of performance / quality / learning culture Performance improvement meetings
14 Three Examples of Using Performance Measure Data Improve performance: food safety measures Identify QI projects: solid waste complaints Use as springboard for more extensive program evaluation: obesity prevention school mini-grants
15 Questions Do you recommend purchasing a performance management software to track and analyze performance data?
18 Questions PHAB Measure A requires a systematic process for assessing customer service as a part of the PM system. Could you provide advice or resources on how to implement a customer satisfaction survey system?
19 Questions What are the respective roles of leadership, management, and frontline staff in implementing a performance management system?
20 Additional Questions OPEN Q&A
21 Lessons Learned from Tacoma-Pierce It’s critical to make data/reporting meaningful to staff. More is not better. Staff need lots of practice/training to develop good performance measures.
22 Resources Performance Management Self-Assessment Tool: assessments_lores.pdf assessments_lores.pdf Turning Point Resources: PHF’s Performance Management & QI Website: Public Health Performance Management Centers for Excellence: Developing, Monitoring, and Using Performance Measures: 11_PerfMeas_public_main.htm 11_PerfMeas_public_main.htm
23 Next Webinar Save the date for Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 2:00PM ET for the next call in the Performance Improvement Technical Assistance Webinar Series. Visit for more information.
24 Contact Us
25 Evaluation Please take a moment to complete a short evaluation of today’s webinar to help us improve future webinars: