Technology-Enabled and Technology- Enhanced Open Educational Resources Mangala Sunder Krishnan Professor, Department of Chemistry Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai OER Symposium, Sept 2012, Penang, Malaysia
National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) Indian Initiatives
NPTEL details of phases I and II/III User feedback– macro level feedback and a detailed statistical analysis of NPTEL user inputs Strategies for e-learning and access to large numbers of users—building social, educational networks NMEICT Current activities Preliminary details for a virtual University and details of the first phase of the National Mission project known as NMEICT NPTEL helping School education. My summary of TEL.
National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning Eight partner Institutes (seven IITs and IISc Bangalore) More than 30 Associate Partner Institutions Professor Bhaskar Ramamurthy, Director, IIT Madras Overall National Coordinator Professor Mangala Sunder, Chemistry Dept. IIT Madras, National Web courses coordinator Professor Kushal Sen, Textiles Department, IIT Delhi, National Video Courses Coordinator Professor M. S. Ananth (Former Director, IIT Madras), Visiting Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engg., IISc Bangalore
NPTEL A joint initiative of IITs and IISc Dissemination of curriculum-based online Web and Video courses in Engineering, Sciences, Technology, Humanities and Management through open resources
NPTEL Proposal by five IITs and four IIMs in 1999 to the Ministry of HRD for setting up a Virtual Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning (external Partner: Carnegie Mellon U) Government of India (Ministry of Human Resource Development) sanction to seven IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) and IISc for developing contents for core curricula in Engineering and core science programmes in 2003 and in 2009
NPTEL 100 courses in video format and 100 in web based contents proposed in 2003 for three years (Core sciences, Civil, Electrical, Electronics and Communication, Computer Science and Mechanical Engg.) 130 in video and 125 in web format made available in 2007
NPTEL Each course to provide contents for 40 or more one hour lectures to be used in the classrooms of colleges or for private study Curriculum designed using IIT syllabi and those of major affiliating Universities in India and modularized for adoption.
NPTEL Phase 2 – Summary – Branch wise Aerospace Engineering 58 Architecture 1 Atmospheric Science 5 Automobile Engineering 2 Biotechnology 26 Chemical Engineering 100 Chemistry and Biochemistry 60 Civil Engineering 82 Computer Science and Engineering 47 Electrical Engineering 35 Electronics & Communication Engineering Engineering Design 8 Environmental Science General 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 72 Management 47 Mathematics 66 Mechanical Engineering 102 Metallurgy and Material Science 59 Mining Engineering Nanotechnology 18 Ocean Engineering 27 Physics 73 Textile Engineering 25 Total 967
NPTEL Phase 2 – Syllabus Summary – Institute wise Total IISc Bangalore 97 IIT Bombay 104 IIT Delhi 92 IIT Guwahati 86 IIT Kanpur 180 IIT Kharagpur 135 IIT Madras 199 IIT Roorkee 74 Other Institutions identified as associate partners to the above
NPTEL from 2007 onwards Conversion of all 10300 plus one-hour video lectures so far to streaming and download media (flv, mp4 and 3GP for mobile) format Uploading all lectures for free video-on-demand access in India and abroad. This is the largest technical video lecture repository on higher education in the world on open access.
NPTEL from 2007 onwards Creation of additional 1000+ courses in all major engg. and science disciplines and some social sciences for both UG and PG level. About 500 of these as 40 one hour courses. Remaining are web based contents. Detailed syllabi, SME, partners and references finalized for all courses as above.
NPTEL Phases II/III (contents to be developed as 4 quadrants, integrated in the final form) Content web based lecture notes / video lectures in an organized form Animations/ visuals / illustrations, video demonstrations/documentaries and interactive simulations wherever required Supplementary reading/Wiki Development on the course, other resources /open content in the internet, Case studies, anecdotal information, historical development of the subject Problems, quizzes, assignments and solutions, online feedback through discussion forums and setting up the FAQ
NPTEL from 2007 onwards Partner Institutions other than IITs and IISc for creating course contents More than 2000 subject matter experts (SMEs) involved Branch-wise (discipline-wise) expert group constituted and all course titles required for UG curriculum in twenty disciplines assigned to SMEs.
NPTEL from 2007 onwards Course contents to be peer- and user reviewed from time-to-time before being uploaded on the website User feedback to be incorporated at regular intervals A social network site ( to provide users forum and peer-to-peer and faculty-student interactions online on course contents
Accessing NPTEL contents Video and Web contents from the NPTEL Website Video lecture contents from the YouTube http://
Devise and guide reforms that will transform India into a strong and vibrant knowledge economy in coming years (all parts of India, that is) Focus areas of interest for the project in several phases Higher Education: Professional Education Distance Education Continuous Learning 4/20/2017
DISTANCE EDUCATION Clear and easily documented need: 1,400,000 engineering seats; 50000 reasonable ones; demand increasing exponentially! Teacher-student ratio around 1:100 for teachers with post-graduate M. S. /M. Tech./Ph. D. qualification 4/20/2017
DISTANCE EDUCATION India has no choice: even to maintain the current levels a new major university needed every week or so! Massive online education is an important emerging market and therefore a business opportunity. 4/20/2017
NPTEL – AN OPPORTUNITY Technology already available and will only improve. Communications band-width and computer power per unit cost will continue to increase. NPTEL offers an opportunity to provide reach as well as improvement in quality of the professionals emerging from Universities 4/20/2017
NPTEL – AN OPPORTUNITY Offers opportunities for cross-disciplinary learning independent of time, geography and social needs for anyone. Professionals can update themselves while being on the job
Users of NPTEL Content (preliminary net survey with about 5000 users in the last few months)
NPTEL – AN OPPORTUNITY Technology and reach open up new challenges– Opportunities created by Google, Facebook, YouTube and the Internet extended in the sphere of education and social learning. Credible partnerships between Academia and the Industry can emerge
NPTEL – AN OPPORTUNITY Professional training and skill building can be effected through learning from NPTEL NPTEL can provide the certified edupedia for thorough mapping of courses along specific threads– E.g. Google map for routes (Point A to Point B)
NPTEL – AN OPPORTUNITY Good research and social projects executed on a large scale have enormous potential for good business (example: YouTube offering many educational channels for free,
NPTEL FAQ What is NPTEL? Why NPTEL? Is it along the lines of OCW (Open Courseware by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)? How is NPTEL implemented? What is there for industries in NPTEL? What is the current status of the project? How will NPTEL help the community? What are the mechanisms for promoting NPTEL? Who owns the copyrights of the contents of NPTEL ? How do Institutions and Individuals access these contents? Can I download these lectures? Current license under CC. Wherein lies the future?
Users of NPTEL Content (~5000 users in the last few months)
How frequently they refer to NPTEL Courses?
Purpose of Using NPTEL Content
How close is NPTEL course syllabus to their Academic Syllabus?
Number of NPTEL Courses Accessed
Depth of the subject taught in NPTEL Courses.
Was the explanation sufficient to understand the concepts?
Quality of NPTEL Course audio, video and text/diagram
Pace at which the courses were taught?
Are users interested to participate in Online NPTEL Discussion forums?
Strategies for effective e-learning Continued access, easy and just-in-time Set up social, peer-to-peer and faculty assisted networks and study groups Encourage interactions and dialogues among learners Collect continuous, course-specific feedback Devise strategies for incorporating user feedback in the development process Bring in partners from industry and research organizations Continuously upgrade the programme contents and move downward towards school education Setup online and offline exams and certification as value add-on, to enhance employability in core industries
NPTEL from 2007—access, from 2011-Social network Course contents to be peer- and user reviewed from time-to-time before being uploaded on the website User feedback to be incorporated at regular intervals A social network site ( to provide users forum and peer-to-peer and faculty-student interactions online on course contents
Accessing NPTEL Distribution of courses through Videos Enabling colleges to create their intranet sites Providing mirror site options to partners Running awareness workshops for colleges and students through agencies like Classle and Bodhbridge AICTE inducing colleges to obtain and use NPTEL contents freely
Accessing NPTEL Running contests for students through Classle Colleges to nominate students as ambassadors to NPTEL and students interacting with IIT faculty directly Encouraging college and University faculty to be collaborators and also as SMEs in courses in which they are also experts Responding quickly to student and teacher queries
Classle ( as partner Classle partners with colleges and provides technical assistance in web set up Classle interacts with industry (mainly IT at present) and encourages professionals to contribute to its content libraries Classle encourages (on-ramp) content development like YouTube and allows them to upload (peer review happens after the contents are loaded) Classle offers all of these free on-demand.
NPTEL and the National Mission The National Mission on Education Through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) Launched by MHRD, Government of India with a budget allocation of Rs. 4612 crores (approximately USD $ 1 billion) URL:
Mission: Provide High quality educational, training and open research content online and free of charge to every citizen High speed connectivity so that India-Internet thrives, ideas exchange and dialogues and interactions lead to growth
NMEICT (Mission) Design and develop low, inexpensive connecting devices, support their research to ensure everyone has means to access and participate in knowledge creation. Derive similar programmes in school education and enable education to meaningful and rich experience rather than promote rote information.
NMEICT (Mission) A proper balance between content generation, research in critical areas relating to provide best education Connectivity and integration of our knowledge with the world pool To be achieved through several phases of the mission.
Creating Digital-Learning Environment for Design in India – ‘e-kalpa’: 4 National Mission in Education through ICT February 2012
4 Key Themes: Digital-learning environment for Design ‘e-kalpa’ Focus Areas Achievements so far: 1. Digital online content for learning Design with distance e-Learning programs on Design Setting up of the webspace ‘’ for access to content along with studio with equipment and support staff at each of the partner Institutes 3. Digital Design Resource Database including the craft sector Documentation of resources in terms of process, methodology, case studios to create content undertaken at the partner Institutes 2. Social networking for Higher Learning with collaborative Learning Space for Design for Synchronous and Asynchronous Interaction Experimenting with the webspace ‘’ for access to content along with studio and support staff at each of the partner Institutes 4. Design inputs for products of National Mission in Education through ICT Support is being to other initiatives of NMICT – Jellow, Sakshat website + Identity, logo, naming, etc. 1. Digital online content for learning Digital-learning environment for Design 2. Digital Design Resources 3. Networking for learning 4. NMEICT support
Deliverables: Digital-learning environment for Design Expected Deliverables for the Project Completed till now Feb 2012 i. Design Courses 40 Courses ii. Full resource documentation of fine examples of Design, crafts and arts + Workshops with Experts 40 Topics 50 topics iii. Video Lectures of eminent designers 25 Lectures 25 lectures iv. Case Studies of good design projects by professions and students 70 Case Studies v. Documentation of design process from around the country each in 12 images x12 words 150 topics 200 topics Digital-learning environment for Design
Deliverables by March 2012: Expected Deliverables for the Project Completed till now Feb 2012 Additional by March 2012 i. Design Courses 40 Courses 20 Courses ii. Full resource documentation of fine examples of Design, crafts and arts + Workshops with Experts 40 Topics 50 Topics 20 Topics iii. Video Lectures of eminent designers 25 Lectures 10 Lectures iv. Case Studies of good design projects by professions and students 70 Case Studies 25 Case Studies v. Documentation of design process from around the country each in 12 images x12 words 150 topics 200 topics 100 topics Digital-learning environment for Design
Virtual Labs A Project headed by IIT Delhi and funded by the MHRD Coordinator: Prof. Ranjan Bose, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi Concept note originally proposed by Professor Surendra Prasad, Director, IIT Delhi (2005-2011) The following slides were provided by the VL team in IIT Delhi. I am grateful to the team.
The basic idea Internet Physical Lab (located remotely) Remote User 1 Remote User n Physical Lab (located remotely) Internet
Objectives of the Virtual Lab Project To provide remote-access to labs in various disciplines of Science and Engineering. To cater to students at the UG level, PG level as well as to research scholars. To enable the students to learn at their own pace, and to arouse their curiosity. To provide a complete Learning Management System that includes web-resources, video-lectures, animated demonstrations and self evaluation.
Modeling / Simulation Based Types of Virtual Labs Remote Triggered Measurement Based SCALABILITY Modeling / Simulation Based CLOSER TO REALITY
Intended Users College Students who do not have access to good lab-facilities. Researchers in different institutes who can collaborate / share equipment and resources. High-school students, whose inquisitiveness will be triggered, possibly motivating them to take up higher-studies. Different engineering colleges, who can benefit from the content and related teaching resources.
Participating Institutes IIT Delhi IIT Bombay IIT Kanpur IIT Kharagpur IIT Madras IIT Roorkee IIT Guwahati IIIIT Hyderabad Amrita University Dayalbagh University NIT Karnataka COE Pune
Broad Areas for Virtual Labs Electronics and Communication Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical and Biotechnology Engineering Chemical Sciences Physical Sciences All areas of Science and Engineering are covered
One common website to access all Virtual Labs Website: One common website to access all Virtual Labs
Content Pedagogy and organization for individual Universities and autonomous Institutions Prof. Anup K. Ray
Arbitrary Home Page of a Course Website Course Name : Control Systems Course ID : EE 302/10-11 Institute : XYZ Institute of Technology Department : Electrical Engineering Overview Objectives Summary References Resources Assignment C M U Case Studies Projects FAQs Ask Question Self Assessment C M U A V Txt Form Groups Add Comments Simulation Virtual Labs Take Notes Add Resources C : Course M: Module U : Units A : Audio V : Video Txt :Text Abbreviations :
Technology Enhanced Learning Promote critical thinking (enhancement) Visualization and visualizability of concepts (enhancement) Demonstration and hands-on experience (enable) Integration of teaching and learning in synchronization with the environment of the child/student/adult/all-time learners (enable) Mass education and lack of physical infrastructure and teachers (enable) Building competitiveness, and think out-of-the-box at an early age Building a Nation to its fullest capacity– a nation as large as India, with one sixth of the world’s population Solve all problems in India and solutions for everyone else also emerge!
Thank You.