Teacher : Koliou Efi Grade : B Senior High School Project Objectives: a) To acquaint students with a social issue of prime importance to the contemporary society b) To raise students’ social awareness c) To enhance their research and presentation skills.
Nefeli Katrou Marina Mpalaska Agapi Giannopoulou
Racism is termed as both prejudice and discrimination based on social perceptions of biological differences between people. It often takes the form of social actions, practices or beliefs put forward by individuals or even by political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, on the grounds of presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities. It may also advocate that members of different races should be treated differently.
Sexism Religious racism Social racism Racism among species
Theory that supports the superiority of a race and is designed to maintain purity and domination over other people.
Societal racism is a term which refers to racist attitudes within a society. It has also been called structural racism, because society is structured in a way that excludes substantial numbers of people from minority backgrounds from taking part in social institutions.
Religious discrimination is valuing or treating a person or a group differently because of what they do or do not believe.More specifically, it is the case when adherents of different religions are treated unequally either before the law or in institutional settings such as employment or housing.
Fear of diversity Ignorance Fear of loss Financial problems
The family must not pass on prejudices to young members and every citizen must acquire a social conscience. Education should help children understand individuality as well as the fact that cultures complement each other and there are no gaps between them. Political leadership must not encourage racist events and should punish exemplary those who are racists. International organizations for their part should impose sanctions, economic or diplomatic, to all those who violate and do not respect human rights.
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