By Bhumi Patel BIOL 402 Spring 2012
Millennium Declaration 189 countries Mapped out eight key objectives
Millennium Campaign A UN campaign set up to increase support in hopes of achieving eight Millennium Developmental Goals
Poorer countries vs. Wealthy countries Roles
The United Nations has many different organizations that help achieve these MDGs.
Millennium Developmental Goals
Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger Income Employment Hunger
Mission: To provide food in emergencies and use food to help rebuild communities. Save and protect Prevent and invest Restore and rebuild Strengthen
Goal 2: Universal Education Full course of primary school
Goal 3: Gender Equity Gender disparity in education
Mission: To accelerate gender equality and the empowerment of women. Violence against women Peace and security Leadership and participation Economic empowerment
Goal 4: Child Health Reduce mortality rate
Mission: To provide long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children in developing countries Survival and development Education and gender equality HIV/AIDS Child protection
Goal 5: Maternal Health Reduce maternal mortality ratio Universal access to reproductive health
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS and other disease Decrease the spread of HIV/AIDS Universal access to HIV/AIDS treatment Reduce the incidence of Malaria and other major diseases
Mission: To achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment and care and support. Uniting Speaking out Mobilizing Empowering Supporting
Goal 7: Environmental Sustainability Sustainable development in country policies and programs Reduce biodiversity loss Reduce number of people without safe access to drinking water Improve lives of slum dwellers
Goal 8: Global Partnership 1.Develop open, rule-based, predictable, non discriminatory trading and financial system 2.Needs of least developed countries 3.Access to affordable essential drugs
Millennium Developmental Goals
Goal 4: Child Health per 1000 live births per 1000 live births 27% Target 67% by 2015
Goal 4: Child Health
Goal 7: Environmental Sustainability
Halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water
Total Revenues $434,725,922 Total Expenses $433,755,220 United States Fund for UNICEF %
Project Hope 2012 Total Revenues $194,803 Total Expenses $184,004 94%
References Mandatory-Vaccination.aspx