Education Matters LGBT Conference Friday 22 nd February 2013 Captain Eleina Bayne AGC (ETS)
Education Matters - Aim To discuss educational, career and personal development opportunities available to serving soldiers and officers.
Personal Development - Responsibilities Individual –Take ownership –Maintain personal development plan –Ensure accurate recording on JPA –Keep records of achievement/certificates –MAKE USE OF THE OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE!
Army Graduate Programme Feasibility Study RMAS CC cohort 06/07 only 24 Started - 10 on track to complete Provided a funded degree for non-graduate officer entrants OU distance learning No new registrations since BUT RMAS CC gains 120 CATS points from OU (equivalent to 1 year of degree)
Responsibilities – First Line RCMO –Provide local advice on qualifications, accreditation, FE and HE opportunities, access to SLC and ELC, Apprenticeships, Functional Skills, e-LC courses –Support Chain of Command Employing Officer –Include personal development review in appraisal interviews –Allocate resources (time)
Responsibilities – Second Line –AEC Staff (military, e-LC staff, BSDM, IERO) Provide SME advice –Career Managers in APC Identify opportunities and signpost individuals –Capability Directorates Develop Whole Life Development plan (WLD) Sponsor for trade-related accreditation
Responsibilities – Third Line DETS(A) –Interface with national organisations, government, external agencies and Defence –Assist Capability Directorates in developing WLD plans –Underpinning policy –Direction and guidance
Where to find information Sources MagazinesDINsWebsitesIERO Officer Tutor Other LDOs AEC Literature CTP Smart Store Intranet
Soldier Literacy & Numeracy Requirements RequirementLiteracyNumeracy To join the ArmyRegular – EL 2 TA – EL 3 Regular – EL 2 TA – EL 3 To enter Phase 2 Training EL 3 To achieve within 3 years of joining (less TA) Level 1
What does it include? Teacher Training Dyslexia Advice Basic Skills GCSEs and A Levels Commissioning Guidance Officer Education Guidance Accreditation Resettlement
Requirement for Promotion LiteracyNumeracy Eligible to attend JNCO Part 1 CLM Level 1 Eligible to attend SNCO Part 1 CLM From 1 Apr 12 Level 2 From 1 Apr 12 Level 2 Eligible to attend WO Part 1 CLM From 1 Apr 12 Level 2 Soldier L&N Requirements for Promotion
What does it include? Teacher Training Dyslexia Advice Basic Skills GCSEs and A Levels Commissioning Guidance Officer Education Guidance Accreditation Resettlement
Officer Literacy & Numeracy Requirements DE Officers. Level 2 Literacy and Numeracy standards. These are met by the current requirement to have a GCSE grade (A*-C) in English & maths LE Officers. From 1 Apr 14, all those seeking an LE Commission are required to hold a Level 2 Literacy and Numeracy awards.
Literacy & Numeracy Policy Defence Policy JSP 898 Part 4 Chapter Army Policy DETS(A): –LF/DETS(A)/ADLS/01/03/15 Dated 15 Feb 12 –Available on Defence Intranet (DETS(A) page) –ABN 18/12
Commissioning Process for Soldiers 2011 DIN & 2012 DIN COs should be notified of potential candidates to interview them. Candidate should apply to attend AOSB Briefing (include a signed AF B227, AOSB CV and UDMFA {fit to attend}) All forms available via Recruiting Group or AOSB on Education Entry Standards: 5 GCSEs (grades A*-C) including English and Maths Age Requirements: 18 yrs or over when attending AOSB main Board and no older than 28yrs 6mths to ensure attendance at RMAS before 29 th birthday.
Accreditation Opportunity to gain nationally recognized qualifications related to military training, education and experience DETS(A) provides generic schemes –Leadership & Management Capability Directorates are sponsors for trade related schemes Accreditation Guides ArmyNet –> Education –> ETS –> Accreditation
Chartered Management Institute Accreditation CMI Accreditation has carefully been mapped across to the current CLM at all three levels. Usually some extra work and personal financial contribution involved, but WORTH IT!
Chartered Management Institute Accreditation – JNCO CLM Option 1: Level 3 Diploma in First Line Management with 67 credits £110 No additional work required – SLC ineligible Option 2: Level 3 Diploma in First Line Management with 73 credits £140 External assignment (unit 3006) required. SLC may be eligible Option 3: Level 3 Award in Coaching & Mentoring £90 External assignment (unit 3011) required, SLC may be eligible
Chartered Management Institute Accreditation – SNCO CLM Option 1: Level 4 Diploma in Management & Leadership with 61 credits £115 No additional work required – SLC ineligible Option 2: Level 4 Diploma in Management & Leadership with 74 credits £195 + bonus Level 5 Award in management Coaching & Mentoring 2 external assignments (units 4005 and 5014) required – SLC may be eligible
Chartered Management Institute Accreditation – SNCO CLM Option 3: Level 5 Award in Management Coaching & Mentoring £100 External assignment (unit 5014) required – SLC may be eligible Option 4: Level 5 Certificate in Management & Leadership with 57 credits £130 External assignment (unit 5020) required – SLC may be eligible
Chartered Management Institute Accreditation – WO CLM Option 1: CMI Level 6 Diploma in Management and Leadership (QCF) at 62 credits £140 Option 2: CMI Level 6 Diploma in Management and Leadership (QCF) at 69 credits £170 Option 3: CMI Level 5 Award in Management Coaching and Mentoring (QCF) £100 Option 4: CMI Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership (QCF) at 32 credits £135
Chartered Management Institute Website and Contact Details CLM 08 V3 Effective from 01 Sep qualifications/personal- development/qualifications/armyhttp:// qualifications/personal- development/qualifications/army For all other CLMs and EFPs For further information please contact CMI on or Mike Setterfield, MOD Account Manager or
Instructional Qualifications PTLLS: Preparing to Teach in the Life-Long Learning Sector– Level 3 (A-Level) CTLLS: Certificate in Teaching in the Life- Long learning Sector– Level 4 (A-Level) DTLLS: Diploma in teaching in the Life-Long Learning Sector – Level 5 (Graduate level)
University Short Course Programme 2012 DIN and ABN day courses at variety of universities All Regular Army personnel eligible Accredited at Master’s level
Higher Defence Studies Programme 2012 DIN and ABN 61/12 MPhil International Relations – Cambridge University Master’s in any Defence related topic – any University Army Fellowships Yale World Fellows Programme (
Residential Study Programmes 2012 DIN and ABN Financial support (£300) towards additional fees for residential study period as part of Personal Development programme E.g. OU Residential summer school
Standard Learning Credits JSP 898 Part 4 Chapter 4 Funding for multiple, small-scale learning activities £175 per annum (annual allowance) 20% individual contribution
Enhanced Learning Credits JSP 898 Part 4 Ch 3 Supports higher level learning (Level 3 or above) Lower tier –£1000 per annum (maximum 3 claims) –4+ years eligible service Upper tier –£2000 per annum (maximum 3 claims) –8+ years eligible service Strict criteria 20% personal contribution **NEW REGISTRATION WINDOW** 1 Feb – 1 Oct 2013 ELCAS –
Publicly Funded Further Education and Higher Education JSP 898 Part 4 Chapter 7 ABN 25/12 Government support to Service Leavers to provide funding for: First full Level 3 qualification (A-Level) or – First higher education qualification (foundation or undergraduate degree) Eligibility –ELC scheme member –Minimum 4 years ELC qualifying service
Any Questions?