Intelligent Grid Coordination Committee (IGCC) Activities IEEE PES 2012 GM San Diego, CA July Erich W. Gunther Chairman and CTO, EnerNex
2 Agenda 1.IGCC Mission and Leadership 2.Meeting Schedule 3.IGCC Activities and Work Plan 4.PES Roadmap 5.Liaisons and Other Activity Updates 6.Other business
Objectives of the IGCC The Intelligent Coordinating Committee is responsible for facilitating communication and coordination on PES activities related to grid modernization to minimize duplication of effort internally and to efficiently utilize resources external to the PES. Develop a PES centric smart grid roadmap Outreach and education - ensure that PES is recognized as a leader in grid modernization standards and best practice development
IGCC Organization Officer elections held 7/29/2010 Proposal to utilize 4 year terms to be consistent with other committees Chairman: Erich W. Gunther Vice-Chairman:Steve Pullins Secretary:Doug Houseman Webmaster:Vacant
IGCC Activities Communications –Smart Grid Super Sessions at T&D –Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference 2013 –Our web site – need a web content manager –IEEE Smart Grid Website –Smart Grid tutorials – SG-101, 201 … –IEEE SG Vision 2050 effort support
IGCC Activities Coordination –Draft list of Smart Grid standards sponsored by PES Approved standards Other projects in development –Questionnaire to Committee, Subcommittee and Working Group Chairmen Validate standards list Identify cross-cutting issues
IGCC Activities Refine and maintain standards list –New task force formed – no activity – need do over Develop PES smart grid road map –New working group formed – no activity – need do over –Liaisons to technical committees solicited ISGT 2013 Planning and Support – –George Arnold and Saifur Rahman chairs –We are responsible tutorial program
ISGT 2013 Planning/Program Committee Chairs Conference Chair: Saifur Rahman - Virginia Tech Technical Program Chair: George Arnold – NIST Tutorials: Erich Gunther – EnerNex Publicity Chair: Jeffrey Voas – NIST Administratiion Local Organizing Committee Chair: Manisa Pipattanasomporn - Virginia Tech Treasurer: Nader Farah - ESTA International, Virginia Event Management: Lukrecija Lelong - IEEE Meeting & Conference Management IEEE Meetings Bill Rosehart – IEEE PES VP of Meetings
IGCC Activities Paper Reviews –A very few people (mostly Doug) reviewed the bulk of the papers for T&D and GM Smart Grid Transactions authoring
Agenda 1.IGCC Mission and Leadership 2.Meeting Schedule 3.IGCC Activities and Work Plan 4.PES Roadmap 5.Liaisons and Other Activity Updates 6.Other business
PES SG Roadmap Discussion - Content Vision – future scenarios Context Identification: –Global aspects, localization issues (policy, law) –Time horizon of roadmap needs to be defined (e.g. 2030) –Relationships with legacy and current construction –Managing differing technology obsolescence time frames –Stakeholder identifications Existing environment – the catalog Application Requirements – from where? NIST/SGIP Domain mapping External coordination Gap identification Mapping to committees / WG’s Work planning Architecture – how do they fit together Relevant technologies
Use Case for using the Roadmap What is value proposition? Prioritizing standards development Identifying key industry issues that need solutions Supporting needs of PES members beyond standards –E.g. SG training, workforce development Tool to coordinate with other societies and organizations Tool to discover what kinds of standards are needed before application deployment Tool for WG chairs to see how their efforts fit in to overall PES mission
Issues What is the starting point – where does the road begin What is the optimization function – efficiency, maintain reliability, cost, greenness? What is the end of the road – future state scenario(s)? Or key milestones associated with those scenarios. Where do the roads diverge in multiple scenario’s –Percentage of DG, PV, EV, etc.
Issues Standards need to lead implementations –Standards now, implementations take place and persist over decades How to prune the potential divergent branches –Productization needs that for example –Identification of commonalities Where do existing deployments fit in
Future Scenario Sources CEA 21 future scenarios –Then EPRI/EEI derivatives/expansions IEEE SA long term vision effort
How to Build the Roadmap Central or Distributed? How to build by in by PES silo’s, other societies, and other external organizations Relationship to long term vision SA effort –Yes, closely related. SA vision a bit longer term SA More focused on technologies 5 year snapshots beyond 2030 More of a focus on academics (in close coordination with the practitioners)
How to Build the Roadmap Meetings of WG chairs and external organizations leaders –Share expectations to participate –Do this at Detroit GM What are the motivators? –How is value recognized by the stakeholders Need a strawman to help articulate the concept –Maybe focus on the use case for the roadmap – which identifies the key stakeholders and value proposition Quick start – maybe a surveymonkey poll of some sort –Target WG chairs –Capture existing vision statements, smart grid activities
Other thoughts? Volunteers? …
Agenda 1.IGCC Mission and Leadership 2.Meeting Schedule 3.IGCC Activities and Work Plan 4.PES Roadmap 5.Liaisons and Other Activity Updates 6.Other business
Liaisons Ask WG chairs what organizations they have liaisons with that we should be aware of UCIug, UTC, NEMA, NERC, SGIP, FERC, NARUC, Cigre, China SG, JIC, SAE, ISO, ANSI, EEI, EPRI, NRECA, APPA, RUS, UL, DOE, CE, ETSI, CSA, MIL GIS community – GITA, OGC Building Community – BOMA, CABA District Energy – IDEA – International District Energy Association LEED community Dave Bakken – NASPI, WAMPAC, COMSOC SA – noted that joint standards development agreements are in place
Other Activity Updates … ETCC White paper on SG technologies –5-8 page range –SST stuff
Agenda 1.IGCC Mission and Leadership 2.Meeting Schedule 3.IGCC Activities and Work Plan 4.PES Roadmap 5.Liaisons and Other Activity Updates 6.Other business
Other Business …
ADJOURN! Adjourn!