Mark Miller, MOPIA
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov Montreal Protocol Is an international treaty, ratified by all 197 countries, to phase out the use and production of 96 ozone depleting substances CFC’s and HCFC phase out dates Most successful International Treaty Latest Amendments North American proposal to phase out HFC’s HFC’s have been used as replacement for CFC and HCFC’s HFC are not ODS but have a high GWP Federal & Provincial Implications Montreal Protocol is used as the baseline for setting regulations federally (Federal Halocarbon Regulation 2003) and Provincially (MB)( Ozone Depleting Substances Regulation) BACKGROUND
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov MOPIA Executive Director, Mark Miller and MOPIA Chair Meghan Johnson and Treasurer, Michael Blackey MOPIA Provides training, education, outreach, membership, and liaises with regulatory authorities Industry led group that works at arms length from government (MB Conservation & Water Stewardship) Board of Directors Volunteer members from a variety of stakeholders (college, industry, private citizens, etc) BACKGROUND
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov Plenary Sessions Sessions: Monday to Friday, ended on 12:02 am Saturday Nov 22 Parties (197) meet in a room to discuss MP Agenda Side Events Run 2 or 3 (2 hours) sessions Monday to Friday Several run during this time Held in side rooms and provided by organizations (NGOs, industry) Exhibition Halls Displays, Resource sharing and networking opportunity provided throughout the MOP (Monday to Friday) Networking Events Opportunities throughout the week Side events, exhibition halls, in the hall during plenary, UNEP reception MEETINGS
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov Discussions Interventions by Mid Eastern countries (high ambient temperature) on if HFC’s should be included in the Montreal Protocol Article 5 countries would like more money added to the MLF to deal with and mange the HCFC phase out dates HFC’s were discussed as an “informal” contact group Interesting to see 197 parties take an hour to agree on wording for contact group Presentations were given by: TEAP, SAP & EEAP PLENARY SESSIONS
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov Closing the Door on HFCs: New Opportunities for Cool Technology Growth Presented by: Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) 2. Let’s Be Real About HFCs: Opportunities to do the Right Thing Presented by: Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (IGSD) 3. Global Regime For An Effective and Equitable HFC- Phase Down under The Montreal Protocol Presented by: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) 4. Energ-Ice Project Presentation CANNON SPA SIDE EVENTS
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov Science of HFCs: High HFC growth from scenarios confirmed by atmospheric sampling Presented by: Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (IGSD) and Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) 5. Sliding Down HFCs and Stepping Up Energy Efficiency Presented by: TERRE Policy Centre 6. The Montreal Protocol and Human Health Presented by: OzonAction 7. Management and Destruction of ODS banks Presented by: GIZ Proklima SIDE EVENTS
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov GIZ Proklima Provides resource to countries and industries for environmentally friendly technology html html SHECCO Market Developer for companies bring their climate friendly solutions faster to market. UNEP Assist countries in achieving and sustaining compliance with the Montreal Protocol EXHIBITION HALL
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov IGIR independent intergovernmental science and technology based organization which promotes knowledge of refrigeration and associated technologies that improve quality of life in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner COOLTECH Engineering and manufacturing company specialized in custom thermal systems Lambiotte Provides HFC free spray foam (Methylal) otte_and_Cie-index.htm otte_and_Cie-index.htm EXHIBITION HALL
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov Rajendre Shende Chairman TERRE Policy Centre, Former Director UNEP Brent Hoare Green Cooling Association, Australia Dr. Steven Anderson IGSD, Former TEAP member, SAP member Klara Skacanova Senior Analyst, Shecco Nancy Semour Environment Canada Members of the Mexico Delegation Co-chair of the MLF replenishment fund Didier Coulomb International Institute of Refrigeration (IGO) Mack McFarland Dupont Members of the Sri Lanka Delegation Work in the Paris UNESCO office Members of EIA Environmental Investigation Agency (NGO) Members of NRDC National Resource Defence Council (NGO) Louis Alioune Ndiaye Member of Senegal NETWORKING
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov Awareness MOPIA continued to spread awareness of the uniqueness of how industry and regulatory authorities can work together Provided E-bulletin in hard copy and electronic copy published on observer UNEP site of meeting Provided hard copies of compliance guide Industry Concerns Liaised with Environment Canada and shared frustration with industry on HFC propellant issues Spoke to Environment Canada and explained industry frustration with not having the Code of Practice Finalized. Latest Issues with ODS Resources established for emerging technologies (foams, training, refrigerants etc) Discussed with Dupont if HFO’s and HC’s can mix with any H&S concerns. Best Practices were shared amongst MOPIA, other parties and industry MOPIA
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov Opportunities 1. Share MOPIA’s story Discussion needs to be given on how we share this story and with who IGSD (Dr. Steve Anderson expressed interest in a partnership for resource sharing) 2. Understand industry’s need for Natural refrigerants Technician training is necessary for a safe progression from either HCFC’s or HFC to hydrocarbons or ammonia If need is there provide promotion and awareness of options of natural refrigerants Understand what is already in the MB market SHECCO promoted one CO2 supermarket in MB 3. Continue to provide awareness of emerging technologies to stakeholders through e-bulletin and awareness sessions Energy efficiency Refrigerants (HC, NH3 & chemical options (HFO’s) Foam technologies MOPIA
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov North American Amendment PHASE-DOWN OF HFC’S
8 substantive & 17 procedural decisions Agreements on Critical Use Exemptions (MDIs) Agreements on Essential Use Exemptions (labs) Replenishment of the Multilateral Fund ($507.5 million for ) 11 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalenet NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov Technology is changing faster than the Policies and the Regulators Being led by industry and the costumers of the products HFC’s are going to be regulated in the future Either under the MP or something else (federally, provincially, UNFCC, Koyto etc.) Industry is moving away from HFC dependence In favour of HC, NH3 or HFO’s where alternatives are available Chemical companies are still developing new alternatives Energy Efficiency is just as important as the type of refrigerant OVERALL THOUGHTS
NOVEMBER 22, 2014MOP 26 Nov