BeHaalotcha Hebrew and Torah Review and add Yod, Vav and Tav
Find the letter Bet/Vet ב
Did I miss any?
Find the letter Dalet ד
Did I miss any?
Find the letter Dalet ד Did you think this was a Dalet? Notice the difference Dalet - Chof Sofit Here they are side by side Notice that Chof Sofit drops below the earth line.
Find the letter Resh ר
Did I miss any?
Find the letter Alef א
Find the letter Lamed ל
Find the letter Hey ה
Find the letter Nun נ ן
Find the letter Mem מ ם
Find the letter Shin ש
The Sacred Name of YHWH In Temple days the priesthood would only speak this Sacred Name on Yom Kippur. All the people would fall prostrate on their faces upon hearing it. Prior to this the name was used more freely. This word is a verb with all its conjugations. Yehi – is or be (infinative) Ha-yah – is or be (present completed) Yiyeh – will be (future incomplete)
The Sacred Name of YHWH Yod – Hey – Vav/Wav –
Vav a secret vowel Vav (old Hebrew: Wav) Sound changes to “O” as in Open Sound changes to “U” or “OO” as in Boot
Find the letter Yod י
Find the letter Vav/Wav ו
Tav – final letter – “T” Lookalike Almost Twins Sounds like “T” Tav Sounds like “H” Hey Sounds like “Ch” in “Bach” Chet
Find the letter Tav ת
Reading Exercise First Line Da-ber el A-ha-ron Ve-a-mar-ta e-lav
Reading Exercise Second Line et ha-ne-rot el mul
Reading Exercise First Line Ha-me-no-rah ya-i-ru shiv… ha-ner-ot