CH4LLENGE Project Presentation. Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP): – strategic document designed to contribute to meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

CH4LLENGE Project Presentation

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP): – strategic document designed to contribute to meeting the European climate and energy targets – builds on existing planning practices and takes account of integration, participation and evaluation principles. In CH4LLENGE, nine European cities and eight supporting organisations have teamed up to tackle the four most pressing challenges in sustainable urban mobility planning Support of up to 30 Follower Cities who receive tailor-made advice from the CH4LLENGE SUMP Expert Team Introduction

Assessing the impact of measures and evaluating the mobility planning process Actively involving local stakeholders and citizens in mobility planning processes Improving geographic, political, administrative and interdepartmental cooperation Identifying the most appropriate package of measures to meet a city’s policy objectives The Four Challenges

Summer Schools are held in the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania Targeted at students, graduates and young professionals Project Activities I SUMP Challenge Training Workshops National SUMP Seminars National SUMP Seminars are organised in the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania Each held in national language providing the opportunity to network with other cities and organisations Four interactive SUMP Challenge Training Workshops are held for local planners and decision-makers Each workshop focuses on one challenge and enables participants to exchange experience and engage in interactive learning Summer Schools

Project Activities II Online Learning Courses CH4LLENGE Kits SUMP Exchange Workshop Learning more about sustainable urban mobility planning and its challenges in free Online Learning Courses Based on the results of the workshops and seminars as well as the experiences from the CH4LLENGE cities. Four comprehensive manuals and quick-fact brochures about participation processes, institutional cooperation, measure selection as well as monitoring and evaluation procedures Available for free end of 2015/beginning of 2016 Organisation of an SUMP Exchange Workshop for cooperating with other SUMP projects and jointly developing SUMP policy recommendations

Project Management

Title: CH4LLENGE – Addressing Key Challenges of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning Duration: March 2013 – March 2016 Programme: Intelligent Energy Europe Coordinator: Rupprecht Consult GmbH Partners: Austrian Mobility Research (FGM-AMOR), The Association for Urban Transition (ATU), Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds (ITS), Polis - network of cities and regions for innovative transport solutions, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara (PUT), Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS), Union of the Baltic Cities Commission on Environment (UBC EnvCom), Amiens Métropole, Brno, Centre for Budapest Transport, Dresden, Ghent, Metro (West Yorkshire), Krakow, Timisoara, Zagreb Key Facts

Join us in workshops and summer schools Learn with us online Expand your horizons Share SUMP project experience Thank you for your attention! Contact Susanne Böhler-Baedeker, Rupprecht Consult (Coordination) Maija Rusanen, UBC EnvCom (Dissemination)