The Art of Leadership: Assessing your Leadership Style presented by: Scott Watson, MA, LCAC, SAP, BRI Supportive Systems, LLC 317/
Objectives: Differentiate Between Management and Leadership Explore Practical Leadership Skills Define Leadership Competencies Learn 3 Skills of Effective Leadership Understand the Uses of Leadership Power Complete Leadership Assessment Develop a Leadership Learning Plan for 2013
Who are your role models? Think of a few people who… Made a lasting impact on you; Contributed to “who” you are in your job; and You consider a role model.
Manager or Leader Keys to Good Managing follows directions accepts responsibility takes modest risks sees people as employees uses power cautiously
Manager or Leader continued Keys to Good Leading Vitality Values Vision Voltage
Three Basics of Leaders Purpose Direction Motivation Get ordinary folks to do extraordinary things…
Leadership Competencies Technical and tactical proficiency Communication Professional Ethics Planning Resource Knowledge Decision making Teaching and Counseling Supervision Team Development
Who Receives Loyalty? Encourages differences Gives and shares credit Faces people honestly, fairly Let’s people do their job
Loyalty continued Demonstrates Loyalty Delegates tasks, prepares people Interested in present and future
Y General Norman Schwarzkopf But, you must lead people You Can Manage a Business
Who’s Got Power? If others think you have power, you do If you think you have power, you probably do The perception of power leads to power
Types of Power: and … how you use it Legitimate Power Coercive Power Reward Power Referent Power Expert Power Information Power Connection Power
Various Sources of Power Physical traits Mental traits Authoritarian Voice Charisma Positive Attitude
Uses of Power: The best leaders use power to : Enhance the group Accomplish goals The VERY best leaders use power to: BUILD OTHER LEADERS!
Leadership Plan List three strengths: List three skills you want to develop Identify two role models Interview your role models. Name two things that contribute to their effectiveness.
Leadership Plan continued Establish goals (month, quarter year) Review goals with accountability Read books/articles Self-evaluate regularly
Readings on Leadership Crush It, Gary Vaynerchuk, 2009 Good to Great, Jim Collins, 2001 The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John C. Maxwell, 2000
Ready, Set….. BE A LEADER!
The Art of Leadership: Assessing your Leadership Style presented by: Scott J. Watson, MA, LCAC, SAP. BRI Supportive Systems, LLC 317/