John 15:5 Yes I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.
The People of God –Fully Devoted Followers – all about following Jesus – v.10 –Accepted in His love – confidence and joy – vv.9, 11 –Authentic – v.8 – not trying to pretend a walk with God – really living it –Disciplined and growing – v.3 –Overcomers – v.18 – the world hates but we fight back with love –Empowered and Commissioned – vv – we are called to the lost To accept His love and walk with Him To live in a new family and support, challenge and encourage each other To reach the lost, needy and hurting and call them to Him and His family –Fully Devoted Followers – all about following Jesus – v.10 –Accepted in His love – confidence and joy – vv.9, 11 –Authentic – v.8 – not trying to pretend a walk with God – really living it –Disciplined and growing – v.3 –Overcomers – v.18 – the world hates but we fight back with love –Empowered and Commissioned – vv – we are called to the lost To accept His love and walk with Him To live in a new family and support, challenge and encourage each other To reach the lost, needy and hurting and call them to Him and His family
Central Valley 2000 Christian Church Attendance as a Percentage of Population 2000 Beige = Highest Rose = Middle Blue = Lowest 0.0% to 10.8% 10.8% to 13.7% 13.7% to 22.2% 10.1% Madera 10.4% San Joaquin 12.5% Merced 12.5% Tulare 13.6% Stanislaus 14.5% Fresno 14.8% Kern
Need to reach more people and plant more churches.
Reach and Plant 1.Focus on evangelism. -Personally -Church – the Events, Easter, EvC’s, mailers, signs, more 2.Plant more churches. 1.Focus on evangelism. -Personally -Church – the Events, Easter, EvC’s, mailers, signs, more 2.Plant more churches.
Need to reach out to a changing, diverse population.
Reach for Mosaic - Personally – befriend those who are different -Age, race, economics -Church – -Strive for unity across the lines. -Open our eyes – Mexico, international missions. -Plant churches targeted to the need. - Personally – befriend those who are different -Age, race, economics -Church – -Strive for unity across the lines. -Open our eyes – Mexico, international missions. -Plant churches targeted to the need.
Healthy People + Healthy Churches Healthy people – expect the doctor to tell you your illness! Church – Christ, Communication, Conflict, Control Healthy people – expect the doctor to tell you your illness! Church – Christ, Communication, Conflict, Control 87 %87 % 87 %87 %
Leadership Structure
Which Church? To transform religious and irreligious people into Fully Devoted Followers of Christ. Discipleship * Fellowship * Mission GROWING: God’s Word | Relationships | Offering | Worship Impact | New Life | Gifts To transform religious and irreligious people into Fully Devoted Followers of Christ. Discipleship * Fellowship * Mission GROWING: God’s Word | Relationships | Offering | Worship Impact | New Life | Gifts