November St. Martin Church
Preparation of the Food
Cooking the Food
Every 4:30 Not sure about the start time the meal is at about 5:45pm Every 9:00am-2:00pm Prepare a meal for Seniors, low income, and the homeless population of Davis. Food donated be Davis Co-op, local farmers, companies and residents. When we were there (Sat. 29Nov) about 60 patrons were served lunch Every 4:30 Not sure about the start time the meal is at about 5:45pm Every 9:00am-2:00pm Prepare a meal for Seniors, low income, and the homeless population of Davis. Food donated be Davis Co-op, local farmers, companies and residents. When we were there (Sat. 29Nov) about 60 patrons were served lunch The Kitchen
The Reward!!!
Davis Community Meals *The Episcopal Church of St. Martin, on Hawthorne Lane off Sycamore (behind the U. Mall) Use the sign in the composition book at DCM in the kitchen. I will be checking it periodically. Send Sarah Katz (me) an saying what day and how many hour you were at DCM. * We will have 2 days where we can go as a group. I will let you know later when the dates will be Or
More Service Opportunities Davis Interfaith Winter Rotating Shelter Open 7 days a week, location changes daily between religious establishments. Dinner and overnight volunteers needed P.O.C.—Sarah Katz Baskets of Love Baskets for abused and homeless mothers Help Fundraising Advertisements P.O.C.- Sarah Katz
ARC- Yolo Chapter Blood Drive- MONDAY 19Jan2009 * 2 volunteers for two 2 hour shifts OR two volunteers for one 4 hour shift. CPR Saturday- February 7 th * ALL Instructors Needed * Volunteers to set up/ tare down. Oasis Club & Spa- Woodland * 1-2 volunteers February 11, 2009 from 5:00 - 8:00pm *Pick up box, set up a table, hand out info. Office Help- *Mailers *Manikins *Organization/Cleaning *Setting up Classrooms *Computer work * Filing Heart Of The Home- Actual event is in May *advertisement *Planning *Fundraising
How Can I Get To The Yolo Chapter? Yolo Bus Route- 42B From the MU to County Mall Rd. (transfer center) 214 to Cleaveland & Court St. 120 Court St. (next to a Lock&Safe Company, across from the Fire Station) Whole trip takes less than 30min. Times- all day Website- Better yet, Carpool. Do not let not having a car keep you from this great experience!! ***
Relay for Life Date- 4&5 th April Volunteers needed- Want more responsibilities or to become more involved??? Team Leader Needed P.O.C.- Soe