QUICK SUMMARY This lesson examines large plantations in the Southern Colonies. Trinkets from Europe
OBJECTIVES Explain the geographic factors that influenced the development of plantations in the Southern Colonies. Savannah 1734
OBJECTIVES Explain the economic patterns of early European settlers and the plantation system of the Southern Colonies. Governor’s House, Williamsburg, VA
Tidewater Region had rich soil Why were the earliest plantations usually built in the southern tidewater? Because the soil is rich there and the many waterways made it early for boats to get crops to market.
Indentured Servants coming to NC Why did some people come to the colonies as indentured servants? Some were sent by English courts to work in the colonies as punishment for crimes. Others were kidnapped and sold in the colonies against their will. Equiano
Plantations How were plantations self-sufficient? Workers on the plantations made or grew almost everything that was needed to survive on a plantation.
Education on the Plantation How were children of planters educated? Some plantations had their own schools for the planters’ children or hired teachers form Europe. Later, the planters’ sons might go to Europe in order to complete their education. Girl’s sampler
Growth on the Plantation Plantations grew as planters cleared land to grow more cash crops. As plantations grew, planters needed additional workers, such as indentured servants and slaves, to farm the land.
Slaves Coming to NC Enslaved Africans brought work on the plantation and were given little freedom and few rights. Many southern planters were active in public service and became colonial leaders.
Questions to Consider GENERALIZE What was the life of a planter like? Planters ran the business of the plantation and also took care of the people living there.
Plantation Workers One BIG IDEA How did southern plantations change as planters added more workers? Plantations grew, more crops were produced, and slaves replaced indentured servants as workers which made more money for the planters.
Life for the Workers What was the life of an indentured servant like? What was life of a slave like?
RUNNERS Activity Learn about what life was like for both slaves and indentured servants. Use RUNNERS to complete the comprehension packet on slaves and indentured servants.
Comparing and Contrasting Activity Draw a Venn Diagram and label the circle on left SLAVES and the circle on the right INDENTURED SERVANTS. Compare and contrast the two by using the information in the comprehension packet. Include 3 ways they compare and 5 ways they contrast. USE COMPLETE SENTENCES!