GSE Methods Week 9. Today’s Schedule Return Midterm Notes Intro. current communication approaches and methods Communicative Language Teaching + Discussion.


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Presentation transcript:

GSE Methods Week 9

Today’s Schedule Return Midterm Notes Intro. current communication approaches and methods Communicative Language Teaching + Discussion Introduce Presentation 2 (due week 12) Sign Up for topic and chat with group Intro. Bookstore scavenger hunt (due week 13)

Introduction to Current Methods Communicative Language Teaching marked the beginning of the current language teaching methods period Began in the 1980s Applied linguistics began emphasizing functional and communicative potential of language, and modifying teaching practices to emphasize these The philosophy of CLT has spawned several teaching practices including the Natural Approach, Content-Based Teaching, Task-Based Teaching, etc.

Discussion Skim page 153 What methods were rejected in the 1960s? Why were these methods rejected? What underlying assumption were they rejecting? Who was partly responsible for this change? What features of language did British applied linguists find weren’t addressed?

Catalysts for change Need to teach major European languages Interest in developing language courses on a unit-credit system British Linguist D.A. Wilkins (1972) proposed Notional categories (time, sequence, quantity, location, frequency) Communicative function (request, denial, offers, complaints) Synthesis of these ideas created “Communicative Language Teaching”

Communicative Language Teaching Is seen as an approach to language teaching Learning to use English (weak), and using English to learn it (strong) No one book or authority on CLT Focus on communication from the beginning (not delayed) Learner-centered and experienced-based Language carries out a task and is meaningful to learners Syllabi consist of Topics (food, weather) Functions (describing, requesting info) Notions (time, frequency, duration, The vocabulary and grammar needed

Communicative Language Teaching (Approach) Cooperative Learning Task Based Language Teaching Content Based Instruction The Natural Approach

Discussion How is Communicative Language Teaching similar or different to the methods we have studied before? Which method do you see in public schools these days, CLT or another method? What about in private academies?

Comparing Current Methods (handout) Let’s compare these methods and approaches side by side

Project #2 Current Methods 1-2 people per group (Natural, Coop, CBI, TBLT) Assignment: Teach an activity (mini lesson) ~15 minutes using your selected method. Structure Introduce yourselves, introduce method, tell us what age we are 2 minutes (1-2 PPT slides) Teach your lesson12 minutes Conclusion and Q&A1 minute

Presentation #2: Considerations for Groups of 2 Your project’s unity (dividing up the roles equally) is very important Your lesson plan should state everyone’s roles Team-teach the lesson Team-teach as a Korean/foreign teacher team Someone could introduce the lesson, and the other could teach Someone will need to make materials (worksheet + PPT)

Grading Rubric Method clearly explained10 points Method clearly demonstrated in mini lesson15 points Materials (handouts, PPTs, etc)10 points Teaching skills 10 points Preparedness5 points Total 50 points

Sign Up Sheet Student 1Student 2 The Natural Approach Cooperative Learning Content Based Instruction Task Based Language Teaching

CLT quiz is homework Compare and contrast the Communicative Language Teaching approach to the approach/method you (your group) chose to teach. Approach Design Teacher/learner roles Procedure Maximum one page

Bookstore Scavenger Hunt Part 1: Go to a bookstore, or your school, library etc. and find three English textbooks. Answer these questions. Textbook name/company Target age/level What methods/approaches appear to be used. Why? Is the textbook effective for the age/level it’s targeting? Why? Part 2: Look at other English books (textbooks, storybooks, etc.) for English learners Find a book that you think would be good for teaching boys or girls. What might appeal to them? Find a book that you think would be good for teaching for the multiple intelligences or TPR. Why do you think it’s good?

Next Week – Communicative Language Teaching Quiz I will ask you a few questions about CLT. I will also ask you a few basic questions about the method/approach you chose for your final presentation. Use the textbook and handout to prepare.